The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas (2024)

vid Gallegher, Charles Burrell, Franklin Bryats, W. D. Sher wood, T. J. Peddle, KinE, 8 Bettie while others calling at the conclusion of game to enjoy a social chat were Mesdames R.

W. Knox, Tallaterre, W. Chaw and J. C. Hutcheson.

Kindergarten Training Class. Thursday afternoon at the parish houss at 4:0 wilt be held the graduating exercises of the Womnu's Club kindergurten training class. It is through the Woman's Club that kindergarten work bus been placed upon present Arm basis and it is impossible to stow too much credit upon thnse who frat determined that the kindergarten Idea should be accorded at least fair 1rinl In the city, The exercises wilE be both novel and toresting. The school been well tended. Fasallo Appears Again.

8. Fasullo, who some two months ago shot lia wile and is now out 013 bond awaiting a trial far murdor. is again bafaro the public The present action is clyll, and was brought Marla Freeman, a. col150 ored woman, who alleges that upon a promhas disposed of the property. She asks he deeded to him certain real estate, and that from Fasullo to take care of her she the court to reinstate her in possession that property.

of Stole Tromsers and ioner. is The ho residence accupted by J. Marks, the corner of Leeland and Palmer, was bur16 glarized last night and a patr'of pants and in money Entrance WAS effected by climbing In at A window. The burglary was not discovered until this morning, when the pants and money, which was in 'the pockets, were found to be missing. Tha matter WAR reported to the police, but.

as there Es no clew to the guilty party, it doubtful if any arrest will follow. Fractured Three Ribs. George Mason suffered a fracture of three ribs and John Hopkins, slight brulses by the collapse of scaffold at 1116 Capitol avenue about 1:30 o'clock today, The men were on the structure engaged in repairing the cornice of a cottage at the number given. Their combined weight was for them the the support, and it fell, premuch cipitating to ground about Afieon feet below. Mason fell eldeways across post.

Hopkins struck upon the fence. Few Assessing Days Left. Couuly Tux Assessor Miller says there are only a few more days left In which the citof this city and Harris County can assess their personal and real property. All those this who have should not made 'their renditions year do so at once Lo prevent veing on the unrendered roll. The books close on May 31.

Think It Was Incendiary. At 8:36 this morning Are broke out in the Missouri, Kansas Teras cotton sheds, but woa quickly extinguished. It Is beloved by the officers and hy the raflroad but poople that ft. was of an incendiary origin, cured. no proof of this belief has been pro- German Methodist Picnle.

The scholars of the First German Methodist Church had their plenlo today at the park of. the Rray's Bayou Gun Club and it was a jolly affnir, The children came back this evening cheering and singing. There WRE A large turnout: Left El Paso With Nichols. A wire was received this cyening by the Sheriff's department from Sheriff Anderson in for Pano Houston stating with that he left there tonight his prisoner, Glenn Nichols, wanted in this city for cmbezzlement. Filth Ward Bazar, The Civic Club of the Fifth Ward this Inaugurated their with a mast promising outlook.

There bazar, 2 row. attendance and It will be continued toinor- The Courts. SIXTY-FIRST DISTRICT COURT. Elizabeth Dunman ct al vs. George H.

Herman; Richard Franklin was appolnted receiver with bond of FIFTY-FIFTH DISTRICT COURT. Maggie Brown vs. J. H. Falkey; verdict for plaintiff for $613.

L. W. Arnold et al ye. L. B.

Moody: Judgment for C. W. Habl for $1,662 and for Arnold for $200 and in favor of Habi fur all land outsido of that. SUITS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT. A.

P. George va, J. 0. Davis et al, trespaza to try title and damages. dahl, Graco divorce.

Heycrdahl V8. Bertrand Heyerparto Josephine Weingarten, to remove disabilities of minority, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. J. Vick 201, to W.

902, E. Jones, outlots 362, 199, 437, 300, 481, 285 104, 121, 122, 12, 955, 265, block 420, lots 2 and and town lots 11 and 12, 19; 1, 3, block 23; lots 1 and 2, total block 27; lots of 1, .280 3 and acres 3, block 75, being Water (cash acreage to town of Deep $100); 12.020. H. D. Ragon et al to N.

Q. Henderson, lot 6. block 18, Justin Castanie addition. (cami $50); 8315. Mrs.

Rosa Chaloupka to Mrs. Rosa Sager, cast half block 11, Young Men's Real Estate and Building Association; othor consideratons aud $5. John P. and Sarah Moon to A. R.

AnderSOIL. and north half lot 7 and south half lot 8, 50x25 feet of lot. 12, bloak 300, south side; $2.950 F. D. Pyc to J.

B. Parker, lots 31, 32 and 33, Nicholson subdivision of. Holman Lenacre block; $760. lots James and L. Viglini el al to Louls Stephan, 3 4, subdivision of block addition: $1,300.

H. E. Kahn third to F. E. Pye lot 10, block 15, Chapman addition; $1.

S. MI. Riggs O. and wife to Mrs. H.

R. Duke, 5 acres of P. Kelton survey: $250. Archie Zorkowsky In to Geurge 8. Moore, part of block 173, Seabrook: $250.

Joe of Reed and wife to Wu. F. Reitmeyer, part len-acre block 9 in the subdivision of John lot 48. F. 0.

Smith survey: Browne to W. A. Long, 3 acres of J. S. Black labor, a tract in S.

M. Harris league, and lot block 1. 0. Lord $1. W.

F. Dunn and wife to H. C. Towson, 3 acres of John Skornpski survey: $200. Estate of Oliver Ames to Newton E.

Barkalow, lots 30, 31, 33 and 33. block: 146; ints 17 and 18. Houston block 174, and lots 7 and 8, block 315, in Heights: $950. of Oliver Ames to F. M.

Rucksdashel, Jots 26 to 17, block 40; lots 12 and 13, block 10, and lots 13 to 18, block 237, in Houston Heights; Pi70. F. M. Rucksdashel to O. M.

Carter, lots 26 to 87, block 40, in Houston Heights; other considerations and $10. Amory Maynard to Frank Greenway, lot 8, block 106; lots 33 and 34, block 151, in Houston Heights: $110. Estate of Oliver Ames to Frank Greenaway, lots 3 and 4. binck 196; lot 14, block 341: lots 9 and 10, block 276, in Houston Heights; $105. Amory 30, Maynard to, F.

M. Rucksdashel, lots 19, 21, 22, 23 and 34, black 53, in Houston Heights; $145. 15, Harriet A. Clarke to 0. M.

Carter, lots 17. 19 and considerations Block 9S. in Houston Heights; other and $10. Town Notes. will Calanthe tomorrow Templo No.

11, afternoon Rathhone Sisters, mect at 3 o'clock. Tha of the Fanaton Guard bad their fret serial drill this evening on the streets. Clemens Memorial Ald wail give an inn cream soctal and on the church Thursday lewn, comer Hinghum Colorado, cvening. The Ladies' Aid Snclety of the Second Christian Church will An cream ROCin1 on the church inwn, corner Hogan and Common, Thursday night. Members of the Ladles' Auxiliary Division at No.

tha 1, A. O. Woodmen gavo concert chia evening of the World Hull, corner of Silver and Washington strecta. John W. Riordan wilt entertain the memters of the Bachelor Club and friends with cards evening at the hom*o of hig parents, dir.

And Mrs. J. E. Riordan. An open meeting of the Brotherhood at Railway Carmen was held tonight at 8 o'clork at P.

Hall in the Fifth Ward. Organizer H. Ronemug addressed tho mecting. Tho Indies' Aid Society of the Firat Gorman Lutheran Church will glvo ita monthly coffer tomorrow evening on tha church Inwn, corner Texas avenue and Caroline streets. The niembore of the Apiritual Socioty hnd social tonight at the residenco of Noble, Polk avenue, beginning nt Mr.

John AY. Ring nt Galveston wIlt night. lecturo at Caledonia finll Thursday The work on the now Masculo Temple at the corner of Main atreet and McKinney avenue, has mot with serious delay on to I 4 THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY. 1905.

18, 7 ACCIDENTS. TEXANS. Bay Wan Jumped on by Pony and Und His Nose Smashed and fare Badly Brained, TO THE NEWS. City. May Robblas Savage, the 14-year-old son Green Was thrown from bla horse last night before he could rise from the ground the broncha made a final plungo and landed with one of his hoofs squurely an the boy's face.

The boy's nose was broken and his face tearfully bruised and the injury will probably leave permanent scars, but no more serious results aro apprehended. Hallway Conducior AdJourn. Portland, Nuy -Memphis, was selected as the convention elty. for the Order of Itallwuy Curiductors two years hence, attor a spirited conteut in which Bostan WIS Memphis' unly competitor. Tho conductors also decided that when a menber withdraws from tho order his benefit Insurance ceases.

The convention concluded the clection of officers. which was begun vesterday, by' elerting J. W. Croker, Portiand, grand inside sentinel; 0. L.

Rolfe, v. Mexico, grand outside sentinel; J. E. Archer, llouston, member of the executive commlitee; and W. J.

Dearborn, Milwaukee, and W. H. Burd, Cleveland, Ohio, member of the insurance committee. The convention adjourned sine idle. Swam From Burning Launch.

New York, May launch, in which ware John Huyler, the wealthy manufacturer, his son-in-law and three other mer and who were about to board a stoarn yacht in the Hudson, caught fire. Oil Irt the bottom the launch became ignited 8 moment Aller leaving the dock, and the blaze quickly spread to the bow. Mr. Huyler and two others aitting there were compelled to jump overhourd to save theinselves. All are gond awiminers and had little.

diffculty in reaching shore. For a few momenta it was feared the blaze. would reach the fuel tanks and the launch to explode, but a line was thrown from the pier and the Dre extinguished in time to avert a serious accident. Child Fell Into Slop Can. SPEGIAL TO THE NEIFE.

Denton, May Grant. Christenson and wife, who live aboul six miloa west of here, were away from the houso crawled this morning back their year -old baby out of the door and fell hendlong Into A. five-gallon can of slop. The child's fond body was found wedged in The Can by the father when he returned to the house for a drink of waler. Houston Roy Hurt by Horse.

SPECIAL TO THE NEWS. Houston. May Lee, son of Lee, was thrown from his horse at the corner of Main street and Ruek avenue and was injured to unconsciousness. The doctors state that brain injury has The been sustained of a very serious churacter. horse suddenly shled to one eide and this threw the young man, who was then stepped upon by the shpd foot of the animal.

Leg' Broken at Sports, SPECIAL TO THE NA.TE. Port Lavara, May evening L. C. Bronough met with a serious accident. He wAR practicing for a Lournament contest.

and while golng al full speed ou spirited horse was thrown against broken. 8 He pole and had hls right icg but the was also injured internally, bodily injuries are nol considered dangerous by the physicians. Operator Jfurt by Full. BIECLAL TO TRE NETA. Kenedy, May F.

Kimball, operator for the Brownsville Rallroad, fell from a second story window at the Depot Hotel lest night and witS painfully burl. HG dacs not know how it happened. He went to San Antonio this morning, Hulo Team Nearly Drowned. SPECIAL. TO THE NEWB.

Orange, May Adams, a colored teumster, driving a pulr. 40 big mules, owned by the Eleetrlo Light Company, water was unloading his wagon near A deep hoic this aftornoon, when the 1 cam touk fright, run Into the pond and chine near drowning. It, required an bour or micro for crowd of men to act the mules out. 'Reanmont Wunts a Secretary. SPECIAl.

TO TeE NT.Ws. Beaumont, May directors of the Accepted Chamber of Commerce this a Clernonn the resignation of Dave Woodhead as secretary, the election of a successor being left to the executive committee. Mr. Woodhead becomes A member of the Decker Well Supply Company, with ofNoes al Beaumont and Humble. Postinnster Fined 8100.

SPECIAL, TO THE NEWs. Sherman, May the Federal Court M. M. Yeakley, former postmaster nt, Mountaln Springs. Cooke County, was convicted of detalning a letter and' fined taday.

TIRED OUT. shadows Thore's of many an a wife aits in the growing evening, knowing what it is to fool tired out: AS if there wag not another ounce of effort left in her. her siumber But if. bealthy, she knows how sound be and how refreshed the morning will find her. But 11's another thing for the sick woman to feel tired out.

Rest only to increase her suffering. She feels acutely the aching back and throbbing nerves. Sick, women, hundreds of thousands of them, have been made well by' the 125e of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptien. It establisties regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures femalo weakness.

"I recolved am pleased to inform you of the beneft I from using Dr. P'lerco's Favorite Prescription writes and Holder Meienl DiscorDrs. Elizabeth A. Oswold. of 45 Brant Caneda.

Surcel. Windsor, Essex Ontario. Was quite discouraged here wrote asking your advice, as tho physicians told me I could get no rellef ascent by an operation. Suffered for four scars from Irregular and profuse meustruation, bad sick and nervous headachics most. of the time, And Al.

times could bardiy waik across the floor from weakness. I thank God there is such a remedy as Dr. Pierce's Favorito Presuription for suffering woman. Before Thad 1aken tho drat bottle the headaches had me and it WAS not lunk beforo regularity Was esinblishedi and still continues so. Have 5116t Snished house-eloaning which I nevor OXpecied to ho felt able to do again.

nail truig SAy never better than at prosent. to gladly all who recommend Favorite Prescription' suffer from female weakness, It has cured me and made mo stronger in Neither husband nor ingsolt overy CAR way. say enough In its praise." The selfish seller who urges aomo stitute is thinking of the largor profs bo'll make and not of your brat good. LAKER- morning nt 3 o'clock, Funeral Win. Dinkelaker, 63 yours, This afternoon at o'clock from residence, 001 42d ml.

Friend: invited. LA Albertino Ta Barbirn died yesterday nt o'clock. Funeral tony reuldence, 11th and Rondway. ut 11 Friends and acqunintances 1n- vited. ANTI FOUND.

LOST-A ladirs' white cuts hinck cutt pin. Reward It relurnod to NEWS OFFICE 7 NEWS FROM HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO CITY ENGINEER -15 EX. AMINING BRICK PAVEMENTS AT HOUSTUN. -a BLOCK LAID AS EXPERIMENT WAs Fat Down Five Years Aro With TELAN -CRIME to Galverton Last Evening. Galveston and Dallas News Business and Circulutor's Office, No.

$11 Travis street. Office telephone, No. 198. Estimates on advortisem*nts for both Galveston and Dallas News furnished on 'application. Subscribers Aro requested to promptly make, complaint Ag to or Irregular delivery of paper.

lose subscriber should recelvo the paper tuter than 6:30 a. and when it is received later than thet hour subsoribers should notify the circulator Correspondent's office, Rico Hotel Bulld1ng. SPECIAL TO TAM NEWa. Houston. May D.

Rullman, City Engineer of San Antonin, 15 In the city examining Brick pavements und conferring with City Enginoer Dormant relative to the best quality of brick possiblo secure. In Snu Antonio the city Is bullding a pavemont on Commerce street, the most traveled strect in Five years ago, under the direction of Mr. Hullman, there was laid AL block of brick pavement as an experl-. mant, and that pavement has been a deelded success. The city wants to again lay the same brick, but tho samping submitted by the.

Thurber Brick Company, who furnished original material, appear not to be tho same brick Ag formerly laid, and have 50 far been rejected. Mr. Rullmnn is examining the material used in Houston and left fur Galveston this afternoon to inspect the pavement there. Not only materials, but the cement, gravel and sand foundations, as laid in different towns, be carefully oratined. THE BURNING OF LAWRENCE.

Forty-Ninth Anniversary Yesterday of aD Eventful Day in Which John Brown Figured. SPECIAL TO THE NANS. Houston, May James H. Trezovant, one of the prominent business men of Houston and commander of Dick Camp, U. C.

while talking af anniversaries today remarked that the date wan the anniversary of an exciting and lively event in his life. Hie was OD May 17, 1850. forty-nine years ngo, a member of an organization that called themselves the "Border Ruffans" and took an active barid In affairs la Kansas, a -atormy ac period in which John Brown of Harper's Ferry fame was out there preaching his "free doctrine and urouslug great Indignation among his opponents. On that day trouble started and the town of Lawrence, was burned. There wits a hunt Inaugurated for John Brown and in order him from the fury of the mob his commander, who was Capt.

Whittleld, detalled eleven men to guard a blackjack Jog cabin In which John Brown took refuge. Of the eleven men Capt. Trezevant was one, and today the ony one alive. They protected the prisoner, who Inter made his escape from that of the country, but later. met a violent death at Harper's Ferry.

Capt. Trezevant wAs later in the Confederate army and their commander, Whitfleld, became a General In the Confederale army at the head of Whitfield's Legion, a body of men that made quite a nante for Itself in the war. Gen. Whitfeld was a Texan and went up Kansas from tho Hallettsvilie section. Capt.

Trezevant talked very entertainingly about the lively events in Kansas in those pioneer days. Ho is In good health now, as straight a8 an arrow and moves with the strength AN0 eyes Indicate the same vigorous a and ease of young man, while his volce hood. He has been a Texan all of his life. LABOR TEMPLE DEDICATION. Governor Hogg May 'Fell of His Early Exneriences.

At the meeting of the Houston Labor Council last further arrangements wore made Inoking to the dedication and opening of the new Temple of Labor on June 14. E. Wag setected to nupcrintend the work, of partitioning the offices, bails, af the temple, Tho exercises will begin at o'clock on tho, evening of June 14, with speaking by ex -Governor Hogg. Judge Presley K. Ewing, Hon.

J. F. Grimes and others. Tito speaking nil be followed by supper a grand ball. stood at the case.

and when he talks he Governor Hogg, It will ba recalled, once not tell much about machines, but a great deal abcut the old style. Mrs. Kneeland's Euchre Party. Mry. H.

Kneeland enterlained this afternoou with cuchie at her home on Louislana street. Cut flowers were used in beautifying the home, and the prizes consisted of the daintlest laco and cambric handkerchiefs and other hand-made articles for use in the home. At the conclusion of the spiriled game an ice course was served and punch was served throughout the afternoon. Mrs. Kneeland's guests were Mesdames C.

E. Ashe. J. H. Adair.

Aiken, Chase Aiken, William J. Burns. Horace Cumming, onE. George Allen, A. Wheeler, IL 9, StephDan Smith, W.

W. Gregory, F. J. G. De A.

Meritt. L. J. Tuffly, A. L.

Hamburger, Atkinson, Goorge Hawkins, William J. Van Liew, W. W. Dexter, R. R.

Reddeld, af. Gibson, S. M. Rushmore, Jennie BranW. nigan.

Edwin Brown. C. R. Blackburn, W. John S.

Simmons. Redford, S. A. Paschal Oliver, J. Hamblen.

W. Lockett, 0. Clark Hallard. Miley, W. S.

S. Gard, Poll Hardcastle, W. D. Hume. A.

S. A. Robbins. Henry Franks, J. C.

Hooper, Howard Burks. James. Journeay, E. Adey, Skinner. H.

G. Lidstone. T. 1. Larkin, B.

ens. Sallie John Lubbock. Misses Kate StenhBlackburn and fa*gan of Galveston. G. The scorers were Mesdames King hind Vanderslice, Wolcott, Misses Irene Cutler, Cox Georgie Vanderslice.

Confederner Daughters' Concert, The first band concert at the Sam IoustoIL City Park will 1:2 given next Saturday evening, 4 to L0, under the auspices of the Oran M. Roberts Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. The will he by the Thayer orchestra under the personal ot Thayer. The following will be the musical program: Selection -Winsome 0 Moralba, 1h) Pasionaria Sancho Rosales A Novelette--Laces -Turandot and Lachner intermission Solecilon--The Joliy Edwards 1al Bird of Matthew's (2) Moret Arabian Itedia Medley of Popular March--Fly N. G.

Thayer, Conductor. Ora, Menard WAR Entertained, This afternoon Mrs. J. M. O.

Menard of Galveston was the complimented guest of delightful affair given by' Mra. Charles IA Hievrland of this elty. ThA decorationa were lovely, Palms, ferna, Easier Mllea and white carantions furniahed the floral adorn- n. monta, The guc81 of honor, Mrs. Menard.

Wits presented with a largo cluster of carnations and ferns nt tho close of the game. Thoco enjoying the affair were Meadomen I. Witea Craig. It. F.

Ring, Robert Browater, Jennio Hart, Howard Brolth, J. I. Trezevant, of the delayed arrival of the drone to b6 used in the construction. But now be pushed Personal Mentina. Ico.

Mr. Phillibert at Vera Cruz, Mergeneral manager of the Vera Cruz railways, ufter placing a large order for ties and timbers for hix lino, has returned home. While hore be was the guest of Capt. G. Duncan, and his order was this placed with the Kirby Lumber Company of city.

TORRES CAPTURED. Mexican Charred With Criminal AnLittle Girl. SPECIAL TO THE Pleasanton, May Martin Torres, who charged with having assaulted a littlo Mexican girl a tow days ago, was caught last Saturday evening and brought to this place and jalled. The examining trial was held this morning, and he little made a statement of the The stilt girl was present. Her condition is bad, but she will probably 2ecover.

Torres was remanded to jail without bond. Beaumont Typo Delegate. SPECTAL, TO TIN NEWL of Beaumont, May 17. -Benumont Typographical Union today electod Roy M. as delognto a to linotype operator on the Journal, at graphical Union convention, which meets Typo- in the International hour Toronto question this year slid at which the eightwill be decided.

THE WEATHER. fo Washington Forecant. Washington, May Texas Pair Thursday. Friday Increasing cloudiness, with showers and thunderstorms portion: increasing south winde. Arkansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory-Fuir Thursday, Friday showery and thunderstorms.

West Texas- Showers and thunderstorms Thursday and probably Friday; cooler FYIday. New Mexico-Fair fn south, showers and thunderstorms; cooler north portion. Thursday. Friday fair and cooler in south portion. Loulsiana-Fair Thursday And Friday; light variable winds.

Wenther. Flags. White Ang alone indicates fair weather, stationary temperature. Bluo nag alone indicates rain or snow, ture. stationary temperaWluto and blue fa*g indicates local rain or snow, stationary temperature.

White Rag falr with black pennant above 1L Indicates black warmer. White Nag with weather, weather, colder. helow 1t Indicates fair pennant nant above Blue flag with black penit. indicates rain or low warmer. Blue flag with black pennant beand It blue Indicates rain or snow, colder.

White Indicate local flag with black pennant above It And rain or SnOW. warmer. White blue flag with black indicates local rain or pennant colder. below White it flag with black center inalcates cold wave. Temperature Record.

Yesterday's temperature record at Galveston, as shown by tho thermograph of the United States Weather Bureau, on the roof of the ImprovemenL, Loan and Tragi Building: Time- Temp, Time Temp. 7 8. p. ....82 9 a. ...78 3 p.

11 a. .79 5 p. Weather Record. Gelveaton weather record for May 17, 1905, with temperature and precipitation data for corresponding dater of the last three years: Time Bar. Wind.

Rain Weather. a. 30.02 73 NE .00 Clear. D. 23.91 78 8 .00 Clear.

Maximum 81 Minimum 71 Average Precipitation 79 ,00 Dully Weather Balletin. Gafreston, Mdy the stallons indicated for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. toduy. Observationa taken at 8 p.

25th meridian time: Temp. Vel. Min. Wind Rain Abilene, pt. 56 12 Amarillo, 18 .00 Atlanta, 16 .00 Corn's Christi, clear 14 .00 Davenport, Light Trace EI Dodge Paso, City, 12 .00 Galveston.

12 .00 04 .00 Jacksonville, cloudy 00 .16 Kansas City, 2 .00 Memphis, 6 Montgomery, 8 Now Nashville, Orleans, Light 6 North Platte, pt. Light Oklahoma. Omaha, Palestine, Light San Antonio, 62 Light St. St. Paul, Louis, pt.

cloudy 69 46 10 54 Vicksburg, 80 56 Light dicates For Che amount past twelve hours. "Trace" Intoo small to measure. Cotton Region Bulletin. Galveston, May region bulletin for the twonty-four hours ending at 8 a. 75th meridian time: Temp.

Abilene, Min. Rain. 55 .00 Beeville, Ballinger, 85 55 .00 63 Blanco, Brenham, .00 Brownwood. .00 Christi, .00 Corpus Corsicana, .10 Cuero, Dallas, partly Dublin, Fort Worth, Galveston, clear. Green vine Hearne, Hourletta, partly cloudy.

Houston, Huntsville, 00 Kerrville, Lampasas, clear. .00 Longview, Luling, Mexia, (0 Nacogdoches. clear. Truce Parls, San Antonio, San Marcos, Sherman. .60 Taylor, .00 Temple.

.00 Tyler, .00 Waco, Wasahachle, 76 Wharton, Weatherlord. Means 60.7 Trace Not Included in means, DISTRICT AVERAGES. Temp. Central Station- Min. Rain.

Atlanta 55 Augusta 11 6 Charleston .59 Galveston 58 TrAck Little Rock. 50 'Trace Memphis 56 .00 Mobile .00 Montgomery ,01 Now Oklahoma. Savannah 1.19 Vicksburg 13 .00 Wilmington 10 82 .36 "Traco" Indicates inappreciablo rainfall, average man the bum and minimum and average rAinfall are mado up at each center from tho actual number of reports recelved. The "stato ot weathor" is that prevailing at time ut ob. ervation.

Heavy precipitation: Allendale, S. 10 Inches: Galneaville, Mudiaon, 1.8; Tallahassee, 2.20; Thomasville. Ga. lower 2.78; Lake, City, Sightly temperatures prevail aver most of tho coltan holt, and heavy ruing have fallen In South Carolina, Georgla and ABOUT YOUR SUMMER TRIP. When you ptart on your vacation, don't forgol Lo arcHngo to have Tho Nowa follow you.

The address of the paper may bo changed as ofton ns desired. RATIONAL TREATMENT Stomach Diseases, MEANS Discard Injurious Drugs Glycozone A Harmless Powerful Germicide Endorsed by Leading Physicians. Send twenty-five cents to pay postage on Erse Trial Bottle. Sold by leading druggists, NOT GENUINE WITHOUT. MY SIGNATURE: 623 PRINCE NEW YORK.

WAITE FOR FREE BOOKLET ON PATIONAL TREATMENT or DISEASE. LODGE AND SOCIETY NOTICES, A STATED CONclave ot Sun Felipe de Austin Commandery No. 1, K. T. will he held this (Thureday) evening at the asylum (Masonic Temple) at 8 o'clock for the TrANSaction at business.

Visitiug Sir Knights are cordially Invited. By order of the F. C. P. B.


INAL TESTIMONIALS. A. H. BOLO CO. be AT ONCE- union barber; strictly sober: $12 guarantee.

Address must S. L. GROGIIEGAN, 2000 Marlect MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Fort Worth, Wants men 'to learn barber trade; specially good offer right now; short time completes; positions guaranteed; busy' senson now; can nearly carn expenses hefore finishing. Write for free catalogue.

TRAVELING SALESMAN on commiselon; 4 samples specialty shoes. to retail at reference. $1.00. State territory, experience und Staple sellers cverywhere, ALL LEATHER SHOE FACTORY, Baltimore, Md. houso painters and paper hangers; steady work to good men.

Call on MASTER HOUSE PAINTERS DECORATORS ASSOCIATION of San Antonlo, Builders' Exchange. Rooms 209 Navarro San Antonio, Tex. WANTED-Everywhere, hustiers to tack signs, circulars, samples, canvassing; good pay. SUN ADV. BUREAU, Chicago.

line -In tobacco. wick State salesmen to sell large Permanent position. CENTRAL TOBACCO WORKS Pcnicke, Va. WANTED--A practical and experienced teacher, male and female, for principal of Lorena, Texas, Independent School. New 1wo-story brick school house H.

M. WILL Secretary Board at Trustees, WANTED- Traveling salesman for Northeast, East and Southeast Texas to 8 side line of neckwear of well known Now carry York manufacturers, traveling salesman for Oklahoma and Indian Territory; references required. Address 213 Tremont Galveston, Tex. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED A woman to coot and do eral housework.

Apply to MRS. J. genLOVE, 2011, Ave. L. WANTED ROOMS AND BOAR -By a lady teacher, room and board; stale terme.

BOX 9, News. FOR CALIT. Plants and JESSAMINES! grandiforn. exira long stems, 100 cholce 100, 1.000, capes, 100 60c: 1,000, bide will be properly assorted and carefully best packed no as to rouch destination in vory condition. KING Tax.

and A fancy BASKET of 100 CApe Jessamine Blooms to any part Cut of Fern for $1. E. express prevald E. Tex. Nurseryman, Dickinson, Galveston Typewritors and Supplies.

SUN Standard Vialblo Typewriters sell; merit wins; machines sont on free trial. A No. trial will No. convince you of their superiority. $40; 3, $76.

Aranta wanted. ORR State Agents, 955 Main st. Houseferalaking Goods. BLEEPING an old, bumpy and hard Bila mattress makes people wan and restless, them' norvous diseases and witd 724 ideas for polltical ecanumy. Ring up phone DR.

IVEY, the king of upholsterers, factory Center and M. Horses and Holes, FOR A gOOd work horse Apply J. LEVY BRO. cheap. Grain and HAY, WRITE us for prices, ear sacked corn.

prairie, alfalfn bran, chops, soft. wicat four. W. G. THOMAS, McKinney, Tex.

Stack W.E ARE sole agents for International Remodies. Food, Poultry Food and Hoallug Phone 114. NAURY SPENCER, Grain and Feed Dealer, 2015-2017 Strand St. hay IG UT can save money by buying grain, and feed from JOCKUSCH, DAVISON Phone 371. Strand.

Machinery aDd Supplies. TEN engines; days' no cash trial on our marine gasoline deposit required; prices low. ASTALL IRON WORKS CO. Miscellaneous, WE WILL sell buggies at your OWN prices for the next 80 days Have to make room for two more cars, GALVESTON CARRIAGE BUGGY CO. Moved to 312- $14-316 Tremont st.

SODA FOUNTAINS, Showcases, Bank and Drug Fixtures, Carbonators, manWaco, Tex. Write for a catalogue. ufactured by C. MAILANDER SONS, FREE premlums with cash wood orders. G.

FRED EVANS, 'The Woodman. Ask for coupons. Phone 160. FOR SALE -Large Herring Safe. Apply at NEWS Soil- BUFFALO Orders taken Bayou Soil! Buffalo Bayou for rich Roll, in any quantitles; also plenty other Alling, abells, rotted manure.

F. FREUND. 211 Tremont st. Offco Phone 791. Residence phone 866.

WHAT does your grocer charge for it? Sixteen pounds granulated sugar $1. flour 70c per sack, at WILLIAM H. SIMPSON, Grocer, cheaper than any of them, 1913 and 1915 Marlet st. safes, Herring-Hall postoffice safe two burglar proof, bank with chest. Get prices.

J. B. SHORTER Denison. BUSINESS CARDS. when LADIES--Good dressing, bad mirror is the main thing looking giase f8 STOAt Her: get yours resilvered and discover jour and beauty to packing the of astonished furniture world.

Repairing neatly done and guaranteed. Send a card, R. MALINA, 711 32d st. DR, M. MANSBERG, Dentist, room, 31, GIll League 21st and Market sts.

All work guaranteed, DR. FRANCES ROWLEY-Eye, nose and throat. 403 Levy Building. ear, Stable MALLOY, Undertaking NORWOOD CO. Livery Parlors.

Walter Narwocd and Wm. Rein, Undertakers and Funeral Directora. Phone 213. Postoffice and 24th ats. J.

Undertakers and Funeral Directory. full line Melatlic and Wooden Burle! Cases and Caskets. Nos. 2216, 2218 and 4220 Church st. IT'S A GOOD THING To have money to loan, both for the Man who has it and the Man who wants it.

You can always FIND OFFERS TO LOAN MONEY IN The News Want Columns. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED -At once, ladles and men to sell our patented folding 'mosquito bur frame (new Invention) from house tu house. in city and country; excellent income to energetic workers. Agents wanted' everywhere.

THE PORTABLE FOLDING MOS. QUITO BAR FRAME 2103 Strand, Galveston. WANTED TO BUY. or 10,000 second-hand brick or tiling. cheap for cash, Address BOX Mi, News.

HIGHEST PRICES paid for all kinds of old iron, brass, copper, zine, Icad, rubber, bones, manilla ropo and sacks. Country shipments solicited. J. BLOCK Galveston. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS.

WANTED Attractions for ex-Confedcrato Reunion at Dublin. Aug. 2. 3 and 4, 1906. Largest -Confederate carp in the Tinited Sintes: expect 20,000 people.

M. C. WITCHER, Chairman Grounds Committee, HAVE customers for 15 to to to ail cars; give Amensions, naine of builder, age in frat lettor: also nrien and terms. H. BEAUCHAMP.

P. O. Box 357, Dallas, Tex. HOTELS AND RESORTS. BEACH HOTEL, Port Lavacu, Tex.Newly compicted: eleguntly furnished: ported superior table; electric light10S and all modern familities.

including 111- sic. dancing, boating and best of fishing. FOR superior tahle, coal and comfortable ronms and excellent accommodations. to the NEW CONSTANTINE HOTEL, Corpus Christi, Tex. PALACIOS-On Palacins Bay, in Maingorda County.

Finest bathing and dancing pavilion on the all Texas around coast. Best fishing, boning and pleasure resorts ilL jwo Concert hand at and pavilion. meala. Low rules. Writ for booklets, Sixty-day 0X- coralon flakets from all points.

Address PALACIOS C. MOORE Palacios, or W. Itouston, Lex. FINANCIAL. market price mid for reris.

tered State warrants. THOMSON DONNAN. Austin, Tex. NATIONAL. BANK made stocke bought for and on came twelve months and drag al li per cent Interest.

WM. 1. KING Inuaton, Tex. $25 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on Galveston City. real estate or approved Surety bonds others.

for Tho guardiars, HERERT AUSTIN minfatratora and Real Isinte, and Investment Agents, 313 INSTRUCTION. haring moved Into IATRO room: at Market nerosa from levy In addition to shorthand, hookbranches and public steno. graphic work, la prepared for phyalcul culturn rlnu9en, also clocation. School duy and night. Apply 208 Market.

BAL LEARN accurrd telegraphy or for money rallway refunded, nervico. Por particular nddresa DALLAS TELEGRAPH COLLEGE, Dallus, 'Tox, AREAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 16,000,000 on ACRES Burto land. to per acre. with 40 law time.

$1 for book new and counties containing land. S. JAMIES, Special School Laid Attorncy, Austin, Tex. rental of cottages bringing in "FOR bet. 14th and $L7 per tuonih und full lot, on $1,500.

A. J. HENCK. quarter LOTS 14, outint 18, 12 63, and west half 11, In 5. W.

on n. n. cor. of Sid si. and Ave.

also south halt or north ball of R. w. quarter nutlot 85, equul to rebout 6 loLF, 011 39th bet. Aves, and Q. For purIlculare Inquire ot W.

BEIS8NER, Agent, 2219 Mechanic Mt. Please let your property, either for rent or for sale, at this office. Prompt attention and quicle settlement are guaranteed. FOR SALE acres of good pino timbor land In Polk County, miles from Votan; near Polk and Hardin County llues: near the Sulton oll well. Address CHAS.

ACHILLING, Pecos, Tax. FOR RENT. "FOR RENT. -Neat 4-room cottage on the southeast cor. 11th und Church sts.

JOHN ADRIANCE de SONR. FOR -Neat 6-rodin, 2-story with all modern conventencts. No. 1820 $30 A. J.

HENCK. FOR letely furnished 7-room house In destrable Jocation: every converfence; screens, gas, electric lights, bath, phone. 1114 314t st. BUSINESS CHANCES. GAle $5,000 at STOCK general merchandise for barguin for cash.

Address Box 97, Hutto, Tex. MERCANTILE business. located GO miles of Sun Antonio; annual sales, $90,004 to 000. Address BOND, care Galveston News. with FOR SALE FIrSt-clARA laundry plant, an cutablished buainens, at bargalu.

BEAUMONT STEAM LAUNDRY, Beaumont, Tex. HARE business opportunity: an old reliable machinery and implement house, cgtablished fifteen years, in prosperous Cen000; tral Texas city; annual excecd will regulre about $20,000 to buy; would tako part in good real estate; sickness rea 6DA for selling. Address BUSINESS, 111-X, Dallas News. FOR SALE--Our location and my Interest in the Astall Iron Works Co. JESSE ABTALL.

WE GROW wheat hero, therefore. hAve incthods. Stocks and bonds our All corporate matters given personal attention. are prepared to font any legitlinate enterprise. A.

JAY GOULD Minneapolis, Minn. SAFES-Special pricce on new and accondhand commercial, hank safee, vault doors. Write us for catalogue. J. B.

SHORTER Safce, Denison. NOTICES. for $250 REWARD offered by Jerry McKay burned arreel and conviction of purty wha his barn April 30, 1905, two miles west of Pork Springs, Tex. Reference, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Bowie. Tex.

WRITE us your county and State; we will convince you that by investing $2 any man can make 210 a day. This 15. no Chicago fake; our work le xenteel. Ilght and honorable; no samples; nothing to sell: bank retcrences; write us GRECIAN Grand Saline. Tex.

TEACHERS WANTED-Calls far superintendents, principals and teachers are comIng to us from all sections; enroll with us for a better position. Wc have representatives In all Southern and Western States. TEXAS TEACHERS' BUREAU, Bonham, Tex. LET US FIGURE with you on Wedding Cakes. Ice Cream or anything in the conlectionery line.

KAHN'S. DR. BALDINGER, Trust Bullding Eye, car, nose and throat discasos. Office phone 857. Residence 423.

NOTICE of the aunuul inceting of the stockholders of the Cane Belt Railroad Co.The members of 1he Board of Direclore and ull Stockholders of the Cane Bell Railroad Company and any other interested party or partios are herchy given notice that the meeting of the Beara of Directors of the Bald rallroad company and the annual ration mecting will of he the held at stockholders of sald corpothe general office of said railroad company, In the town of Eagle Lake, Colorado on the frat Monday that in June, the 5th D' 1905, at sald 2 o'clock p. being day of month. The aforesaid meetings will be held for the transaction of the general business of corporation that may come under the jurlsdiction of the sald Board of Directors and stockholders at their respective annual meetings. (Scal.) N. V.

TRULY. Secretary of the Cane Belt Railroad Company. PROFESSIONAL TRAINED DETECTIVES furnished for clvil and criminal investigations. Reasonable rates. Address JAMES McCANE'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, Box 190, Houston, Tex.

MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MISS L. DONAHER, maker of ladies' smart frocks. Dainty shirt waist suits a specially at a reduction. 1109 Winnic st Phone 2004.

ROOMS AND BOARD. VISITORS to Galveson can gecure firstclass accommodations, convenient to beach and business district; table unexcelled; large. airy rooms; beautiful neighborhood. MRS. HOGAN, 2315 Broadway.

NICELY furnished south front connecting rooms on gullery; Also light housekeeping facilities. Apply Church st. TWO unfurnished south rooms for light 1628 Ave. I. LOVELY rooms, beautifully furnished, southern exposure.

modern; strictly Irstclass. 1221 Tremont or 43d. FOR RENT-Furnished, large south room with board, Table boarders solicited. IS13 Ave. Phono 1175.

dren, rooms and board in TO GENTLEMEN, or couple without chilprivate home; 1923 Broadway. References required. ATLANTA HOTEL--RAtes $1 pet day; special rates by weck or month. D. FOLEY, Proprietor.

2514 Church Galveston. Tex. board; all modern convenlences; reference LARGE, furnished south rcom, with requirod, S. TV. cor.

Broadway and 17th st. AT southern 1811 Church, neatly furnished exposure; with or without buard; rooms; modern conveniences: close in; gas, bath, miona. NICELY furnished south rooms, with or without board: table boarders desired; hot and cold water and shower baths. 2111 Ave. 11.

THREE conneeting rooms, nicely furnished tor light housekeeping. with gas and bath, in private S. c. cor. 22d and La.

SUITE of rooms for housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished, all conveniences, In town. reasonable. ROX 21. News. GALVESTON DUSINESS HOUSES.

INSURANCE AGENTS. J. 1. W. Harris Tremont and Strand, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION, Borden Borden Live Stock 35th.

Mkt SHIP CHANDLERS. T. L. Cross 2014, 2016 and 2018 Strand SHOW CASE MANUFACTURERS. Southern Show Case Works.

332 Strand. SHERMAN, May, 1904. -Bitting, Do7. ma Cure Sherman, Dear Sirs-For the benelit at those who suffer with erzema I desire to say have been sufferfor ing live with years, that and disease 011 my feet told And Irga my, physician, mo I couldl not bo cured. I have used one hot1lo recommend Cure and am now entirely well.

I it to all who are RufferIng with erzoina: Yours truly, A. A. FIELDER, Mayor. Price WANTED--The address of the heira of Thomas DobynK. WREN, decenard, Important 10 them.

Austin, Tex. BUILDERS MATERIAL, PLY SCREENS THAT SCREENnnd mudo and Ciatorne, to order. "Sanh. Wire Cloth for Serocus DoorA, Painta, 28th nod Mechanic Ala. 224.

SCLIADT. RATES FOR Classified Advertising IN THE Galveston Daily News No ad taken on a basis of less than 20 words, Ica word 3c a word 4c a word a word consecutive one Insertion. for four consecutive insertions. for seven consecutive Insertions for cach insertion if run tam times or more. COMBINATION RATE ADS FOR CLASSIFIED, Running Simultancously In Both The Galveston Daily News -ANDThe Dallas Morning News (These rates cover Insertions In both 2c a word for one insertion- less then 40 cents.

2 word for four consecutive insertions. 1c A word cach insertion on ads running Ave or more consecutive times. The above rates are only applicable to si. vertisem*nts running without change. Any changes made in advertisem*nts before Insertions ordered are given will subject the advertiser to the charge applicable to the number of insertions had without change.

The Sunday edition is considered one of the daily 1agues. RATE FOR THE SEMI- WEEKLIES: Advertisem*nts will ha published In The Semi- Weekly Men's of Gaivexion and Dalias at the rate of bc A ward each insertion, no matter many insertione are given. No ad unken for less than cents. This rate covers Insertions in both SemiWeeklies. If only one paper is desired 30 discount will be allowed--the rate be the same as thongh it goes In both, The above rates are ligured on advertlesments set solid, without any display ot blank space, No culM Allowed on classified naga TERMS -CASH WITH ORDER.

These rates aro not to ovory one and each must accompany every order. Display Advertising in the DIED, Display advertisem*nts 10 run on the page of the Somi-Weeklies (Rot 1n tho style of tho page) will cost doc for both Galveston and Dallas Semi- Wecklicp for each Insertion IC raIn Intervals: 60c a line for buth papera if inserted Lwica week. The cost for ol'her or both SentWeeklies will ho the same. If you want to cover a thoroughly the entira Stale of Indian And Oklahoma Territorica and borders of Now Moxico, zonA. Arkansas and Louisiana use all four napora.

The Semi- Wookly editiona cirenlate among tho fArmers, stockmon and poultry men Abi In towna oft the To roach the formora try these two no pers. Aak Any one who LA pasted an 10 their circulation. IL BELO Publishers, Gal vaston ADd DAlIAn, De. Jan. 1, 1305.

The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas (2024)


Why was Galveston so wealthy? ›

At the end of the 19th century, the city of Galveston was a booming metropolis with a population of 37,000. Its position on the natural harbor of Galveston Bay along the Gulf of Mexico made it the center of trade in Texas, and one of the largest cotton ports in the nation, in competition with New Orleans.

Why is Galveston Texas famous? ›

Galveston has a fascinating and storied past: from devastating storms to civil war battles. Before the 1900 storm, Galveston was the second richest city per capita in the United States and was even dubbed the “Wall Street of the South” due to its flourishing banking industry and the retail success of The Strand.

What is the name of the Galveston newspaper? ›

Galveston Newspapers Inc. publishes The Galveston County Daily News and its companion website,

How much was Galveston raised? ›

The original elevation of that portion of Galveston Island probably averaged around five or six feet above mean low tide. Afterwards, the elevation varied from eight feet along the Bay side or waterfront, to about twenty-two feet at the Seawall or Gulf side.

Who is the richest person in Galveston Texas? ›

About Tilman Fertitta

Tilman Fertitta, born in 1957 in Galveston, Texas, is a prominent figure in the business and sports world in the United States. The successful entrepreneur, of Sicilian descent, is the founder and former owner of Landry's, Inc., a renowned restaurant, hospitality, and entertainment company.

What is the richest area in Galveston Texas? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods To Live In Galveston:
  1. Pirates Cove. With a median home price of $3,002,646 and a median rent of $1,435, Pirates Cove is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. ...
  2. Grand Beach. ...
  3. Isla del Sol. ...
  4. Terramar. ...
  5. Sea Isle. ...
  6. Pirates Beach. ...
  7. Evia. ...
  8. Downtown Galveston.

What are people from Galveston called? ›

Galveston, Texas
• Urban density1,760.5/sq mi (679.7/km2)
DemonymGalvestonian or Galvestinian
Time zoneUTC–6 (Central (CST))
• Summer (DST)UTC–5 (CDT)
33 more rows

Does Galveston have a homeless problem? ›

Galveston leaders have an idea of how many homeless are on the island. Federal numbers show about 320 were counted earlier this year, but they don't know why they're here or why the number keeps growing.

Where does Galveston rank in crime? ›

Violent Crime: The total violent crime rate in the United States is around 370 per 100,000 people from numbers that were gathered in late 2023. The violent crime rate in Galveston is around 469, a significant increase from the national average and slightly higher than the Texas average of 432.

What was Galveston first called? ›

Before the Island was named or visited by Europeans, there were indigenous inhabitants on the island. Jose De Evia named the Bahia De Galvez-Town in 1786 for Bernardo De Galvez after his heroic service during the American Revolution.

Who owns Galveston Beaches? ›

The Texas Open Beaches Act gives Texans a right to access the ocean through a public easem*nt along the water line. While the state owns much of the property along the beach, there are some privately held lands, such as Porretto Beach.

Did Charles Dickens visit Galveston? ›

Charles Dickens never made it to Galveston, but that doesn't stop local revelers from raising a glass of ale in his honor.

What was the biggest natural disaster in Galveston? ›

The hurricane that destroyed Galveston on September 8, 1900, is the nation's deadliest natural disaster. Although its death toll will never be known precisely, the 1900 Storm claimed upwards of 8,000 lives on Galveston Island and several thousand more on the mainland.

Why was Galveston water blue? ›

Why does Galveston water sometimes turn blue? Sometimes during the summer months, Galveston receives light winds coming from the south. After consecutive days with light winds, winds coming from the south push pockets of bluer, saltier water into Galveston, causing the water to appear picturesque.

What was the worst hurricane to hit Galveston Texas? ›

The Great Galveston hurricane made landfall on September 8, 1900, near Galveston, Texas. It had estimated winds of 140 mph (225 km/h) at landfall, making the cyclone a Category 4 storm on the modern day Saffir–Simpson scale.

Was Galveston the last place to free slaves? ›

Galveston is a city of many firsts, but the largest port west of New Orleans in 1865 is also famous for being last -- the last major port to spread the message of freedom in the United States.

Why was Galveston important in the Civil War? ›

The American Civil War made its mark in Galveston, Texas. Galveston was a key port for supply lines and cotton exports to fund the Confederate operations. Between 1861 and 1865, the Union Navy organized and implemented blockades against Confederate ports along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Was Galveston supposed to be the capital of Texas? ›

The Island came into play as a capital for only a very short period of time. After President Burnet and his cabinet had to escape Harrisburg on April 14 on a steamship, the ship came ashore at Galveston on April 26, 1836. They took refuge on the Island and made it the temporary capital of the new republic.

What was the city of Galveston really known for in 1900? ›

In 1900 Galveston was prospering. It boasted being the "third richest city in the United States in proportion to population" and efforts were being made to increase its sea port value. All major railroads served Galveston and 60% of the state's cotton crop was exported through its port.


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.