The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

a THE SHREVEPORT July Fourth Fireworks in Europe THE SHREVEPORT TIMES-MONDAY JULY 6, 1942 YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER 'MILK-MAN' HELPED U. S. RAID TOKYO "Baby" Thatcher Tells of Delivering Bombs to Enemy By REUEL S. MOORE Washington, July 5 year -old Sgt. David J.

Thatcher used to deliver milk in Billings, but on April 18 he helped deliver high explosives on machine works and steel factories in Tokyo during the raid by U. S. army air forces. His own story of experiences in the raid was released last night by the war department along with the accounts of two fellow-sergeants who served as engineer-gunners. They all had "grandstand seats" in the tail turrets of North American B-25's which out the raid.

All three have the Distinguished cerTied, Flying Cross for their parts in the Tokyo raid. Thatcher was the "baby" among the 80 men, including Brig. Gen. James H. Doolittle, who first carried the war to Japan.

He was a Billings milkman for 18 months before joining the army. "As we let go our first load," he said. "I saw a great column of black smoke and debris shot into the air. I WAS watching for pursuit but at the same time kept my eye on the results and know that every bomb found its mark. Dodged Power Lines Tokyo, we were flyIng so low we had to dodge power lines and tree limbs.

People waved at us in friendly fashion, apparently unaware of our identity." Another Montanan on the road was Sgt. Edward J. Saylor, 23, of Brusett, who enlisted in the army in Spokane in 1939, after working in Wyoming CCC camp. He rode a plane dubbed a "Democracy's Ace in Hole" which lived up to its name by scattering incendiaries over aircraft factories, warehouses and docks in Kobe, tudeter, avoid approaching pursuit at a and low anti- altiaircraft fire, Saylor's plane flew over Kobe at about 2,000 feet. Minutes passed with no sign of opposition.

People and vehicles crowded the streets. Lieut. Donald G. Smith, of Belle Fourche, S. was piloting the plane.

Finally at 1:55 p.m. Smith told Saylor: "Let 'er go, Ses." Saylor felt the plane lift as the bombs dropped. Spread Over Wide Area incendiaries spread over a wide area," he said. "I couldn't see just where our bombs landed, as we were zooming along at about 240 miles per hour, and were well away before the fires could start. But I know we were square over the target with the whole works." Technical Sgt.

Eldred V. Scott, 34, Phoenix, veteran of 12 years service in the army, got a crack at one of the few Japanese fighters which pursued the Americans. Scott's plane roared over at about 2,000 feet to bomb a tank and armament factory. "We had just let go on the tank factory when I saw four streams of tracer bullets shooting up past us, real close," he said. 'I looked down and there he was, coming hard.

I began firing at him and he winged off. I know he was hit. got him. Anyway, he made only one pass at us." Scott's plane encountered heavy anti-aircraft fire because two earlier bombers had stirred up the Tokyo defenses. "Puffs of black smoke from the anti-aircraft were above where us, below us, in front and behind.

I kept waiting to see holes open in the wings but never saw a hole." Since telling their stories here the sergeants have headed for their respective homes on leave over July 4, with the intention, as Saylor put it, re "to get some home cooking." THE WEATHER WEATHER FORECASTS Shreveport and Vicinity--Little temperature change; occasional showers or thunders today. Louisiana--Little temperature change; thundershowers today. Northeast East Texas--Little temperature change; thnudershowers today. Southwest Arkansas -Little temperature change: scattered showers in the extreme southwest portion. High Low Rain Alexandria, La.

82 70 Amarillo 94 61 Arcadia, La. 84 67 Atlanta 80 70 .10 Chicago 83 63 Detroit 84 60 El Paso 94 66 Fort Worth $8 70 Jacksonville 93 Kansas City 95 Lake Charles, La, Little Rock 88 Memphis 89 Minneapolis-St. 73 New Orleans 87 71 .97 Oklahoma City 90 68 St. Louis 91 73 San Antonio 69 09 Shreveport 83 69 Washington 88 69 DEATHS MRS. DELL SOUTHERLAND, SR.

Funeral services for Mrs. Dell Southerland, wife of a wellknown Bossier City merchant, who died Saturday night after an illness of several months, were held at 3 p.m. yesterday in the Osborn funeral home chapel with the Rev. Alvin P. Smith, pastor of the First Methodist church of Bossier City, officiating.

Burial was in Forest Park cemetery, MRS. J. THABY Funeral services for Mrs. J. Thaby, Mother of Sister Josephine of St.

Vincent's college will be held today at 5 p.m.. in the St. Vincent's chapel, with one of the fathers from St. John's church officiating. Burial will follow in St.

Vincent's cemetery, with the Wellman funeral home in charge. Mrs. Thaby was a native of Brest, France, but in 1931 she came to St. Vincent's to live with her daughter. Despite her advanced age, she was very active, and made friends in Shreveport.

For several months her health was poor. She died at Schumpert sanitarium Saturday, and 8 niece, Sister Angela, both of the Daughters of the Cross. A requiem. will be offered at 6:15 LOWER RATES SOUGHT FOR SMALL LOANS Orleans Representative Asks New Bill With More Reductions Baton Rouge, July 5 Delesseps Morrison, representative from New Orleans, moved tonight to have the legislature pass a new bill regulating small loans by imposing an interest rate considerably lower than those in a measure already passed by both house and senate. The bill 1 already passed raises the maximum rate from the present per cent per month on loans up to $300.

Morrison said he was absent when the house last Friday concurred in senate amendments to a bill fixing maximum monthly rates at per cent on loans up to $150, and per cent on loans from $150 to $300. Opponents said loan firms would only grant loans up to $150 in order to get the greater interest rate. The and per cent brackets had been recommended by State Bank Commissioner Wilfred J. Begnaud after a study of the small loan business but the house voted rates of 3 and 2 per cent, only later to concur in senate amendments making the rate and per cent. The measure already adopted also provides for a rate of eight per cent! per year after loans mature.

Morrison said these rates are too high and a house committee immediately gave unanimous approval to a new bill, designed to supersede the measure already passed, fixing interest rates at a flat per cent per month on loans up to $300, together with the eight per cent feature on matured loans. This bill will come up on final passage tomorrow. WOUND FATAL TO ONE- TIME MISS. SOLON Percy Bell, 68, Former Governor's Candidate, Dies in Greenville Greenville, July 5 (A Judge Percy Bell, 68, former legislator and candidate for governor in 1924, died today in a local hospital from a bullet wound which Police Chief William Taggart said was self-inflicted. Judge Bell had been ill for two years and a patient in the hospital for five months.

Born in Milburn, he had lived in Greenville 65 years. He was graduated from the University of Mississippi law school in 1896. He was elected state representative from Washington county in 1904 and served as chairman of the committee on universities and colleges. He resigned from then legislature when appointed chancellor of the seventh district by Governor Vardaman, and served in that post until 1908 when he entered the private practice of law here. From 1920 to 1922 he served as state senator from Washington and Sunflower counties and was a leader in the fight for women's suffrage.

Judge Bell was past grand-chancellor of the Knights of Pythias in Mississippi and also headed the C. G. Bell Pythian lodge of Greenville, which was named for his father. Survivors include his widow; a son, Charles Bell, professor of English at Iowa State college; a daughter, Mrs. Prospere Bijl, and a sister, Miss Bessie Bell.

Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow by the Rev. J. R. Countiss of Starkville. Eugene Conway Inducted in VFW Baton Rouge, July 5 (J.

Eugene A. Conway, former Louisiana secretary of state now in the navy, was inducted into the Augustin-Ewing post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at a ceremony during the state senate session tonight. Lieutenant Conway, home on furlough, was chairman of the Louisiana casualty and surety rating commission when he entered the navy last April. He is the son of the late E. A.

Conway, of Shreveport, Louisiana secretary of state for eight years, and served in this office for two months completing his father's term after his death in March, 1940. During the ceremony, the "Star Spangled Banner" was sung by Miss Katherine Landry of Baton Rouge, whose brother, Lieut. Larry Landry, pilot in the U. S. army air corps, was reported killed in the battle of Java.

Senate Approves Reducing Tax at Orleans Race Track Baton Rouge, July 5 (P)-Louisiana's state senate approved on retonight a measure alconsideration ready passed by the house reducing the state tax on horse-racing at the New Orleans Fair grounds. Senator Lionel Ott, New Orleaus, said failure of the bill would mean the Fair Grounds track would have to be closed down. The measure reduces the state's share to two cent on the first $100,000 in daily betting pools from 4. present rate of; three per cent on the first $50,000. Shows Marriage License, Gets Suspended Sentence Cleveland, (U.P).

before police judge Perry A. Frey on a reckless driving charge, Edward Thyret, produced what he thought was his driver's license. It WAS a marriage license. The judge gave him 8 wedding present of a suspended sentence and the advice: "Better calm down and don't show the clergyman your driver's license you're married." THE SHREVEPORT TIMES SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in Advance) (By Carrier or Mall in Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas) Rates for subscription outside continental United States will be quoted upon request. Daily and Daily Sunday Only Sunday Year $12.00 $9.00 $5.00 6 Months 6.15 4.60 2.75 00 Months 3.15 2.40 1.50 1 Month 1.05 ,80 .50 Week .26 .20 BY MAIL (ALL OTHER STATES) Daily and Daily Only Sunday 1 $15.00 $10.80 $8.80 Month 1.25 .90 .65 22 Months 3.75 2.70 1.95 6 Months 7.50 5.40 3.90 CLASSIFIED RATES The Shreveport Times Most Ads--Most Readers--Most Results Rates City of Shreveport and Ark-La-Tex Area This table gives the cost of any set solid advertisem*nt containing 010 to 30 words.

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Announcements SHREVEPORT WINDOW CLEANING CO. 2819 ALABAMA PHONE 4027 Tile Drainboards, Baths Mantels. etc. No cash-time payments. DIXIE TILE MARBLE.

942 LA. 4113. Dr. Carnahan Optometrist Glasses Fitted -Lenses Duplicated SILVER'S-402 TEXAS ST. VISIT THE "DINNER BELL' You'll like our food and curb services.

Opposite TRI-STATE SANITARIUM Mr. and Mrs. Sid Nettles, Owners BIRD ROOFING PRODUCTS Also Insulating and Waterproofing Applied or Repaired GLOBE ROOFING CORP. PHONE 2-5721 FAOUR Laundry and Dry Cleaning, 2031 Texas Ave. INSIDE Per month.

Gib bong Garage, 408 Cotton. 4256. Personals (7) FAMILY WASH. 8e cash and carry. Wet wash, 3c.

2640 Kings Highway 2-1496 TRELLIS, Swings. Fences. Lawn Furniture. H. M.

Patterson. Phone 3-2748 HELP YO-SELF and Home Laundry. Chenille spreads. quilts. 2-6461.

FASHIONABLE fur shop. Repair. Restyled Mrs. Aldridge, 238 Robinson. 7-7483.

Travel Opportunities (9) WANTED--Five riders to Karnack, Texas 1537 Oxford, FREE transportation to Los Angeles, California, Southern Auto Sales. 920 Texas Ave. 3-8889. Business Service LAWN MOWERS repaired. $1.25 up.

Call and delivery. City Cycle and Gun, 615 Louisiana. Phone 4905. TERMITE CONTROL Free Estimates. Contracts insured.

Call McBride. 7-1319 HAVE your necessary bookkeeping done on part time basis. Income tax work. Books opened and kept by K. R.

PHILLIPS, 1401 Slattery Bldg. Phone 9874. WASHING machine and sewing machine service. 1419 Oxford. 3-3235.

J. W. REPAIR SHOP Specializing in fans. irons, lamps and cleaners, Free inspection. We pick up and deliver.

4852. LAWN MOWERS repaired $1. Call for and deliver. Jimmie's Bicycle Shop. 9124 REMODEL your home.

Materials, labor furnished. No cash. 18 months to pay, Twin City Lbr. Supply Co. 1011 Gary 2-3744 Everything Electrical Electrical Supplies-Fixtures, Contractors ELLIOTT ELECTRIC CO.

PHONE 6184 STOP PAINTING--Apply Johns-Manvi'le beautiful Asbestos Siding Shingles. No down payment; 12 months to pay. AMERICAN HOME IMPROVEMENT co. Siding Experts. Phone 2-4979, 7-9691 Reroof Old American Shingles No down payment, 18 months to pay.

Free estimates, repairs or addition. H. H. ROOFING CO. PHONE 5526 WE MAKE PHOTO-COPIES Of any paper not prohibited by law.

Out-of-town orders invited. Walter E. Wylie, Inc. Milam St. Bird Roofing and Siding AS LOW AS $5.98 MONTHLY Leaky repaired: painting, etc.

Caddo Roofing and Siding Co. 1801 AVE. 2-0103, 7-3707 DEEP WATER WELLS Burks Pumps. M. C.

Forsong, Route 5 Box 464. Shreveport. Phone 2-7614. Beauty and Barber Shops (12) PAY LESS--GET MORE AT Palace Beauty Shop, 410 Milam 2-6227 GET A FEATHER Shortie Permanent Wave. So Cool! So Practical! Green Parrot Beauty Shoppe, 918 Fairview.

Open evenings, 7-5318. SHAMPOO SET. 50c. Everlynn's Beauty Shop, 2608 Claiborne. 9345.

500-- -SHAMPOO We Specialize in Permanent Waves MARCEL BEAUTY SHOPPE 609 MILAM ST. PHONE 3-8641 Cabinet Work- Repairs (13) BROWN'S Cabinet Shop. Anything made of lumber. Reasonable. Phone 3-8212.

Contracting and Remodeling (14) LESLIE RUFF, Bonded Builder. General repairs, new and old homes, Terms. Free estimates. Phone 5833. J.

A. TOOLEY- -New building and repair In town or out. Call 2-9627. OLD REPAIR work. A-1 carpenter; estimates; terms.

Less. 5526. Lawn Mower Repairs (19) HAND, power mowers sharpened. factory machine. Harold'8, 3304 Line.

7-5325 Mattress Renovating (20) Twin-City Mattress Co. 2-7537 ONE DAY SERVICES. $1.25 UP. Hart's Mattress 2-1836 Painting and Papering (21) PAINTING, papering. $2 up.

Guaranteed Free estimates. A. J. Babin, 4-0046 Business Service Painting and Papering (21) mates; terms. Phone Less.

5526. RELIABLE painting. paperhanging; estiI GOOD painting and paperhanging. spraying work. Anywhere.

Call Cox. 9716. PAINTING, Papering, $2 up. Floors refinished. Suggs.

3-2250. CALL G. G. TULLY, 2-9501, 3-3245 Painters. paperhangers.

always available. Du Pont paints, wallpaper. Free estimates DU PONT PAINT SERVICE STORE PAINTING and papering. Expert work; terms; $2 up. Call 2-7451.

Piano Tuning (22) ALL piano work guaranteed. Special summer prices. B. R. Young.

7-5035. Plumbing and Heating (23) FOR REPAIRS -Fitzgerald Plumbing and Heating 939 Louisiana. Phone 5946 CALL 2-1590. V. R.

Farmer, for plumbing and gas fittings. PLUMBING--ONE CALL DOES IT ALL SHREVEPORT PLUMBING CO. Phone 2-8703 1020 Market St. Psychologists (24) SPECIAL READING-50c Tell past. present, future without asking any questions.

MADAM RAY Ted's Courts, Barksdale Bossier. IF IN TROUBLE. see the Advisor, miles out Barksdale Blvd. 2-8966. WHY WORRY? Card reading will solve your problems.

3031 Darien. Call 2-5189. MADAM ABBIE ADAMS The South's Most Noted Life Reader It you are in doubt as to what is best for you to do. come and let me tell you. I will tell you true.

LOOK FOR BIG TRAILER 3608 Greenwood Road. Near Jewella Refrigeration Repairs (26) VACUUM CLEANER Exchange cleaners. radio. 629 Crockett. 2-3340.

Swedish Massage (31) TURKISH BATHS. MASSAGES Billle Carelock. 2221 Line. Phone 2-4187 SWEDISH Massage. Miss Bourgeois.

Room Hotel. Open Sundays. 3-7101. ALADDIN BATHS. MASSAGE PARLORS Open 24 hours.

220 Ardis Bldg. 2-1438 Tailoring and Dressmaking (32) DRESSMAKING. alterations. tailoring. gifts.

Ladies Exchange, 440 Olive. 2-0989 BUTTONS. buckles. buttonholes. belts.

Martha Harvin's, 719 Stephenson. 7-3165 GROSJEAN Textile Weavers, 206 Levy Bldg. Burns, moth holes. tear rewoven. MRS.

RUSHING'S SHOP Alterations. hemstitching. buckles, buttons. buttonholes. Rear Grayson's Dress Shop.

EXCLUSIVE tailor shop. Alterations any kind. S. Kesilman, Line Ave. EXPERT seamstress, experienced all lines.

Best equipment. Mrs. Ferguson. 2-3347 Upholstering, Seat Covers (33) UPHOLSTERING, refinishing, slip covers. drapes, blinds and shades.

Loe Decorating Co. USE OUR DECORATIVE CREDIT PLAN 1800 HIGHLAND PHONE A 2-7406 Upholstering, Draperies. Slip Covers. MURPHEY'S DECORATORS-UPHOLSTERERS 2100 Marshall St. Phone 3-8551 SLIP COVERS.

drapes made in your nome or mine. Low prices. 2-6069. TOM'S UPHOLSTERY SHOP SLIP COVERS AND UPHOLSTERING 2006 Southern Ave. Phone 5893 Upholstering, Seat Covers (33) UPHOLSTERING.

slip covers, popular prices. RAGAN'S. 628 Olive. 2-8144. Good Things to Eat WE SPECIALIZE in Tasty Sandwiches for special occasions.

Special prices. ATLAS KOSHER DELICATESSEN 216 Milam. Opposite Caddo Hotel. 5614 LARGE supply ice cold Texas grown melons for July 4th. SHADY OAKS MELON GARDENS 2131 Greenwood Road-9460 FIGS, bucket.

Delivered as ripen. 6820. PEACHES! PEACHES! Now ready, East Highland Nursery on Minden road. Phone County 6402. PLENTY of nice peaches for canning, 8 miles Mooringsport Road, Albany Road, 3 miles, at PHARIS' ORCHARD.



Top wages paid. P. 0. Box 1316 or call 5143. AUTOMOBILE body and fender man wanted at Schayer Badinger, 724 S.

Saratoga Street. New Orleans, Louisiana. Permanent position, PHYSICIAN WANTED Licensed Louisiana M.D., 40 to 60. years of age. Steady position with attractive salary.

Regular business hours only. Not Shreveport. If interested write now. Write Box 105-EM. The Times.

WANTED Expert radio service man. Good proposition. Apply United Electric Service, P. 0. Box 1822, Monroe, Louisiana.

WANTED Four-piece negro orchestra. Steady job. Good pay. Write Club Chesterfield, 3100 West Central, Albuquerque, New Mexico. EXPERIENCED colored cook.

K. References required. Phone 7-0335. Help Wanted- -Female (38) BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST for 1 posting machine work. CASHIER--Accurate in handling money.

P.B.X. OPERATOR The above are 3 separate positions. In making application. please give particulars as to previous employment, whether married or single, and reference. Write P.

0. Box 1446 City. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 37. 1. Deep reverence 39.

40. 4. English dynasty 42. 9. Children's game 43.

12. Mountain: Scotch 45. 13. Anoint 14. Gone by 16.

15. Ignited 47. 16. Measures of distance 49. 17.

Flowed 50. 18. Green copper 52. arsenate 20. Exact likeness 56.

22. Thing: law 57. 23. Article of belief 59. 25.

Encourage 60. 27. Distant: prefix 61. 28. Sour 62 31.

Sun 32. Sober 63. 34. Metric land 64. measure 85.

Tomboy 65. Cylindrical And: Latin Obliterated Moving wagon East Indian groom Masculine nickname Prepares for printing Fixed star Group of pupils Lacelike thread work Pronoun Gladly Nothing Number Behind African antelope Marry 1. Intervening. la we 2. Hang down 3.


S. Army Air Force, flying wing to wing with the RAF, set off "fireworks" July 4 at three Naziheld points in Europe, bombing and machine gunning Nazi airdromes at Hamstede, Alkmarr and Valkenburg (pointers) in Holland. Enemy patrol vessels off the Dutch coast were also attacked in the first raid by American airmen on German-occupied Europe. NEWS BRIEFS FIRE ALARM AT HOTEL--Equip- ment from the Shreveport fire department was sent to the Inn hotel, 615 Milam street, at 9 p.m., yesterday on a report of a fire in one of the rooms in the annex which faces on Crockett street. The fire was in the motor in an electric ice box in the room of Mrs.

A. J. Chester. Damage was slight. TORE LIMBS OFF TREE- -A charge of malicious mischief was filed against Mrs.

Sarah Tuminello, 604 Lawrence street, last night after a neighbor woman complained to police that Mrs. Tuminello had torn limbs from a fig tree in her back yard. The neighbor woman, Gladys Lee, 1316 Jewell street, signed the charge. Mrs. Tuminello was released under $25 bond and ordered to appear in city court at 3 p.m.

today for trial. NEGRO SHOT IN NECK -Ernest Green, 21-year-old negro of Gloster, was treated at Charity hospital yesterday for a bullet wound in his neck Green shot while in a fight with another negro at Gloster. INTERMEDIATE WEEK--The annual Intermediate Week of Highland Baptist church began last night, with Ray Rust as intermediate pastor, and sociate pastor, assisted Jimmie Porter as asIntermediate, Phillips and Katherine Pilkinton. Tonight Bobby Latham will act as pastor adn Jack Rodgers as associate pastor. The Rev.

George Pearce, Pasof the Broadmoor Methodist church, will be the speaker. DRIVERS ARRESTED--Two men were arrested by city police on drunken driving charges yesterday. J. A. Miller, 52-year-old white man of 1424 Anna street, was arrested at 2:10 p.m., by Motorcycle Patrolmen J.

V. Valentine and Herschel Woodall and released later under $350 bond: Isaac Johnson, 34-year-old negro of 1500 Andrew street, was arrested at 4:10 a.m., by Patrolmen C. A. Mcirison and R. F.

Barnard and WaS still being held last night in lieu of bond. REUBEN C. PENICK, FORMER SHREVEPORT MAN DIES SATURDAY Funeral services were held in New Orleans yesterday for Reuben C. Penick, former Shreveport real estate man, who died in Touro infirmary at New Orleans Saturday after an illness of six months. He was 35.

Burial was at Le Compte and services were held at his home yesterday afternoon. A native of Shreveport, Mr. Penick lived here until 1926, when he and his parents, Dr. R. M.

Penick and the late Mrs. Penick moved to New Orleans. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Dorothy Thomas Penick; a son, Rawley Martin Penick III; his father, Dr. R.

M. Penick, a brother, Dr. R. M. Penick, and a sister, Mrs.

Joseph M. Jones, all of New Orleans; four cousins, E. James and Kenneth Gaiennie and Mrs. Wesley Wheless, and an aunt, Mrs. Burrows Johnson, all of Shreveport.

Mr. Penick's father was one of the founders of the Genevieve home for girls in Shreveport. His grandfather was a Shreveport Baptist minister. Okla. Soldier and Wife Burned to Death in Home Shawnee, July 5 (P) -Pyt.

E. (Gene) O'Daniel, 25, and his wife, Mrs. Louise O'Daniel, 21, were burned to death late yesterday in a fire that destroyed their home near Shawnee. Private O'Daniel, stationed at Fort Houston, Texas, in the medical corps, was home on a furlough. Mrs.

O'Daniel was a deputy court clerk Pottawatomie county. The private gas system of the house was blamed for the blaze by firemen SENATOR LODGE RETURNS Washington, July 5 Lodge now on active duty with the army as a major, returned to Washington today from a mission to Egypt, a.m., today by one of the fathers of St. John's Pallbearers will be Justin Gras. Frank Isaac, J. Lacaze, S.

Lacaze, A. Cazeaux, Marion Glambia, and Frank Mottet. COLORED woman wanted to cook either 2 or 3 meals daily and do housework for family of two people. Good salary to right party. Write P.

0. Box 1255, Shreveport. La. WANTED--FIRST CLASS PHER AND -Apply in own handwriting. giving experience.

referand salary expected. Write Box 121-E, THE TIMES. Male and Female Help (41) HELP. PER REFERENCES. 452 JORDAN EXPERIENCED COLORED HOTEL THE WAR brought a "new day" to men previously regarded, as old." and those with minor physical defects.

This old established national concern must replace "eligible" young men with positions paying $150 and up monthly. No special experience or education required. If you're honest. intelligent, willing to work. you should qualify.

Men now in "dead jobs could escape through this golden opportunity. Call 2-3994 for personal interview. UNUSUAL opportunity now available for 3 persons to fill Routes in Shreveport and vicinity. No experience necessary. We help you get Part or full time.

Apply Rawleigh's Products, 603 Western Ave. Positions Wanted -Male (420 Legislative Digest (By The Associated Press) SENATE Bills Acted Upon H. 308, Morrison--Amend racing commission law, passed 1 20-19 on reconsideration. H. 602, Watson--Amend article 175 of criminal code relative to jury commission, indefinitely postponed 24-7.

H. 367, Cangelosi and BakerChange assessors' allowance in 19 parishes, passed 36-0. H. 368, Carter and Baker-Appropriate $2,000 for Camp Moore Concemetery, passed 37-0. federates, Jack--Amend act relating to police pension funds in Shreveport, passed 38-0.

H. 404, J. O. Williams--Clarify fishing laws and raise licenses, passed 22-17. H.

418, Toler and Fernandez--Regulate practice of optometry, passed 31-1. 440, Stinson and Morgan--Limit use of one-cent gasoline tax dedicated to parishes "construction maintenance roads and to, bridges," passed 37-0. H. 453, Pearce, et al -Create sweet potato advertising agency and levy two cents per bushel of 50 pounds, passed 35-0. H.

455, Huckabay--Amend income tax, law, 465, passed Stich 30-0. and Blais--Amend act fixing fees for civil and criminal court clerks in Orleans, passed 37-12. H. 466, Stich-Amend 1940 homestead code, passed 35-2. H.

467, Stich-Amend 1940 act on federal savings and loan associations, passed, 474, 36-1. Stich-Provide for valuation of industrial insurance companies authorized to do business in state and grant to such companies period five years within which to comply with act, passed 35-3. H. 490, Stumpf-Provide salary of not less than $5,000 for Jefferson clerk of court, passed 36-0. H.

491, Stumpf Authorize Jefferson parish police jury to pass ordnances for regulating traffic, passed 36-0. H. 492, Stump parish, ward and municipal authorities to order elections levying special taxes in aid of railway, water transportation, water works, electrical lines, power plants and bus lines, passed 35-1. H. 493, Stumpf-A constitutional amendment validating H.

492. Passed 36-0. H. 494, Stumpf-Amend a 1921 act relative to drainage and subdrainage districts, passed 35-0. H.

502, Heintz-Provide prescription on state land warrants, passed 38-1. 503, Heintz-Provide prescription of 1888 warrants of state land office, passed 38-1. H. 504, Heintz-Repeal act 104 of 1888 relative to cancellation of invalid and erroneous entries on public lands, passed 37-1. H.

519, Rainold-Propose constitutional amendment authorizing 000,000 bond issue for a building program at state charity and mental hospitals, passed 35-3. H. 542, McDonald and OthersAmend act creating Louisiana casualty and surety rating commission relative to composition, passed 30-9. H. 534, H.

S. Parker and Huckabay--Amend general license act with reference to brokers and commission houses, passed 33-2. H. 568. Huckabay-Permit municipalities of under 5,000 population to enforce weed cutting.

Passed 28-5. H. 570, Act 152 of 1938 relative to registration of flour brands. Passed 33-1. H.

571, -Fix salary of Orleans criminal district clerk at $6,500 a year. Passed 35-2. H. 573, Blasi and Simoneaux-Authorize local registrars of vital statistics to accept decrees of adoption. Passed 38-0.

H. 575, Amend Article 1134 of Code of Practice relative to justice E. of the peace appeal bond. Passed 37-1. H.

581, McDonald, et -Amend section 33 of general license law relative to commercial reporting agency, passed 37-0. H. 592, Morgan--Amend unemof ployment compensation act to provide for benefit' experience in taxing employers, passed 3-2. H. 604, McCain--Amend soft drink tax law, passed 34-0.

H. 619, act 265 of 1940 relative to tax collections, passed 38-0. H. 183, Baker and Cangelosi- Propose constitutional amendment to authorize creation of fire districts, passed 36-0. of H.

620, Baker and CangelosiAmend act authorizing districts to incur indebtedness, passed 36-0. A. H. 621, Baker and Cangelosi-Authorize formation of fire protection districts includirg portions of parish YOUNG married man desires extra work after 5 p.m. Clerical and sales perience.

Can use typewriter. Not afraid of manual work. Furnish A-1 references. Write Box 119-E. The Times.

EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper available at once, either full or time. Can audit and prepare financial statements. Go anywhere. Phone 2-4319 or write Box 117-E, The Times. REGISTERED PHARMACIST, draft exempt.

Louisiana and Texas licensed, desires position with established firm. Drug merchandise sales experience. A-1 references. Go anywhere. Write Box 199-B.

The Times. EXPERIENCED meat cutter. grocery clerk. Draft exempt. Write Box 104-E, The Times.

Positions Wanted -Female (43) COMPETENT young lady, general office Best references. 7-3984. Positions Wanted- -Female (43), EXPERIENCED colored cook, good references. 3-3259. A FIRST class colored cook wants job.

Call 4018. NURSING HOME--NURSES REGISTER Convalescing invalids. Pre Post Maternity cases. 657 Stoner Ave. 2-1538 MIDDLE AGED lady, practical or cleaning plant.

Mrs. Tompkins. 15058. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Civil Service rating, clerical references.

Consider temporary. 7-6303. YOUNG lady desires secretarial, keeping position. References. 2-2009 after 6 p.m.

EXPERIENCED colored cook, good references. 5067. YOUNG LADY attending business college desires place in private home where she can assist with light housework or serve as companion to children or elderly person in exchange for room and board 2-6778 and incorporated 37-8. H. 624, Middleton--Authorize Mrs.

Josephine sue highway department, passed 35-0. H. 625, Middleton -Authorize Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Guercir to sue highway department, passed 34-0.

H. 666, Pearce--Regulate sale and purity of paris green and other insectides and fungicides, passed 34-0. H. 669, Sevier -Regulate system of river port pilotage, passed 33-4. H.

854, -Regulating river pilots, passed 35-1. H. 685, Cangelosi (By request)Authorize James A. Walker to sue Louisiana State penitentiary, passed 34-0. H.

692, M. R. Williams--Authorize Thomas J. Wood and wife to sue Louisiana highway commission, passed 31-0. H.693, Heintz-Provide that state athletic commission act shall not conflict with house bill 30 creating public safety department if it becomes law, passed 28-7.

H. 695, Stinson-Authorize conveyance of Jackson parish property to Mrs. Minnie Galor, passed 33-1. H. 721, Jewell and Alford -Authorize state welfare department to make agreements with federal agencies regarding civilian evacuation, or aiding victims of sabotage of enemy action, passed 36-0.

H. 730, Yarno -Propose constitutional amendment authorizing parish police juries to create consolidated drainage districts, passed 32-0. H. 731, Yarno-Create new eleventh ward in Avoyelles parish, passed 34-1. H.

748, Sever -Prohibiting raising prices of meals and hotel facilities for special events, including legislative sessions, killed 25-11, (Notice of reconsideration given). (Senate adjourned until 9:30 a.m. Monday). HOUSE Bills acted upon: H. 260, Cangelosi-Eliminate emption of women's minimum wage act so it will apply all over state, withdrawn.

746, Santos--Require employers of 10 or more persons to inclose with each paycheck detailed statement of deducations in salaries, withany drawn. H. 773, Santos and Wooten -Require phone companies to take money from coin telephones in presence of subscriber, withdrawn. H. 507, Simoneaux-Require public utilities to pay costs of investigations in New Orleans, killed 9-56.

H. 508, -Provide for taking testimony in utilities investigations in New Orleans, killed 10-56. H. 399, Yarno et al -Create a state cotton gin commission, killed 22-45. H.

862, -Provide penalties for retailers failing to pay salers for intoxicating liquors, killed 14-51. H. 584, Jennings -Require annual brake and light inspection by state police at cost of 50 cents, killed 24-21. H. 585, Barranger and EdwardsAmend corporation franchise tax relative to railroads, passed 59-9.

S. 38, Fredericks--Provide for distribution of all public school funds within current school year, passed 58-7. S. 39, Fredericks--Eliminate payfees in Louisiana colleges mentauden whose parents or guardians reside in state, killed 23-43. (House adjourned until 11 a.m., Monday).

Rabbi Haim F. Epstein Dies of Heart Attack St. Louis, July 5 Haim F. Epstein, chief rabbi St. Louis' Orthodox Jews and one of the recognized leaders of his faith in America, died today of a heart attack.

He was 68 years old. Rabbi Epstein was a past president of the National Union of Orthodox Rabbis. He was one of the leaders in the movement to re-establish Palestine as the national home of the Jews. A native of Lithuania, Rabbi Epstein came to America in 1923 and served in Brooklyn, Cincinnati, and Cleveland before coming to St. Louis in 1930.

20 Japanese Bombers Raid Allied Airdrome Allied Headquarters, Australia, (Monday), July 6 heavy Japanese bombers escorted by six Zero fighters attacked an Allied airdrome in the Port Moresby area of New Guinea yesterday and were followed by a second wave of seven bombers, General McArthur's headquarters announced today. The Allies suffered only light damage and casualties, the communique said. Instructions Educational -Schools (44) Defense Jobs Open Government, business and military offices are demanding more office workers than we can supply. Streamlined courses. Enter any time.

Advance individually, Call, phone or write for free ture--no obligation. Meadows-Draughon College Day and Night School Shreveport. La. Phone 2-5778 Majestic Beauty School OLDEST AND BEST EQUIPPED SCHOOL IN NORTH LOUISIANA 609 Milam St. Phone 3-8641.

3-8642 BOARD AND -ROOM Furnished With Your Training at Shreveport Aeronautical Institute MEN 18 to 65 WOMEN 18 to 40 (WHITE ONLY) Washington Draft Headquarters says: "Key Workers and Family Heads Last to be Called to Fight." PREPARE NOW FOR A DELUXE JOB IN THE WAR EFFORT NIGHT CLASSES Shreveport Aeronautical Institute 1243 TEXAS AVE. SHREVEPORT, LA. Norton Business College THE SCHOOL OF INDIVIDUAL TEACHING More positions for qualified persons than school can fill. Enroll now and be qualified a few months hence for a good position either in private industries or government. Civil Service Examinations are given almost every month.

The original Gregg shorthand college of Shreveport. Fully accredited by ican Association of Commercial Colleges. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS 4th Floor Levy Bldg. 2-8739 Majestic Beauty School OLDEST -AND BEST EQUIPPED SCHOOL IN NORTH LOUISIANA 609 Milam St. Phone 3-8641, 3-8642 OAR CALLAS co RIO AROUSE OB AN AMNES TIC NO MINAS DUNCE ARENA GERAH DODO ERI ET ON OM REVIVE AMA NAB RAGED LET ADORES TA STAGERS THEN IS SI COURT ACTOR DIOLS PI VARIOMETER IS ETHANE LED ONE ELM Solution Of Saturday's Puzzle DOWN 4.

Competent River dam 5. Wholly 6. 7. 8. 15 35 30 5 24 9.

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51. 53 162 54 55. 65 58. Kind of woolen cloth Single thing Canceled Palm leaf Ingredient of varnish New Zealand hedge laurel Biblical king Departed Meshed tabrie Measure of length Jubilant Remnants of combustion Plunder Occupant Assessment rating English river East Indian weight Spread for drying Acts Early parts of nights Six-line stanzas Stopped Except Mohamme. danism Cubic meter Kind of dog Cover the inside Biblical city Feminine name Sound of liquid coming from a bottle African hemp 48 (03.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


What famous person is from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Johnny Lee Davenport

Johnny Lee Davenport was born on 24 July 1950 in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. He was an actor, known for The Fugitive (1993), U.S. Marshals (1998) and Ted (2012).

What is the white population in Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 1.56 times more Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents (105k people) in Shreveport, LA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 67.5k White (Non-Hispanic) and 4.28k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What was the original name of Shreveport? ›

In Shreve's honor, the Shreve Town Company and the village of Shreve Town were named. On March 20, 1839, the village of Shreve Town was incorporated as the town of Shreveport.

Is Shreveport a expensive city? ›

They listed Shreveport-Bossier as one of Louisiana's top five most expensive places to live. According to the NLIHC, full time workers in Louisiana need to earn $22.11 per hour to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent. In Shreveport, the amount is slightly lower at $20.63 per hour.

What is Shreveport best known for? ›

Shreveport is probably best-known for its flashy riverboat casinos, but the city is overflowing with other activities and adventures. The annual Film Prize for short films and the Music Prize are part of the Prize Fest that attracts thousands of visitors to Shreveport.

Who was the serial killer in Shreveport? ›

Nathaniel Code, the Shreveport Serial Killer, murdered eight people, including his own grandfather in the 1980's. Code was born in Shreveport in 1956. At the age of 20, he went to prison for aggravated rape. After his release, he started killing people.

Why is Shreveport called Ratchet city? ›

By 1999, Anthony Mandigo decided it was Shreveport's time to contribute its own style of hip-hop. He created Lava House records and brought into the industry lexicon a term he got from his grandmother — "ratchet." It became one of Shreveport's most known sounds.

What is the oldest house in Shreveport? ›

Built in 1897, the Ogilvie-Wiener Mansion is the oldest Queen Anne-style Victorian building in Shreveport and one of the largest Victorian structures in Louisiana. The 9,000-square-foot home features twenty rooms, a wrap-around porch, and fifteen-foot ceilings on all three floors.

What is the most expensive house in Shreveport Louisiana? ›

A jaw-dropping Tuscan-style mansion usually reserved for the Southwestern United States has landed on the real estate market in Shreveport, Louisiana, for $3.85 million. It's the most expensive estate in the city, according to Shreveport Times.

How many NFL players are from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Newberg, who counts players on active NFL rosters as well as practice squad players and injured reserve lists, credits the Shreveport area with 11 current NFL players in a population of 441,000.

Did Elvis play in Shreveport? ›

Second only to the Grand Ole Opry, many claim the Louisiana Hayride was the most successful stage in music history. Elvis Presley at the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport in 1956 with the original band.

Where in Shreveport was True Blood filmed? ›

While the town of Bon Temp, is purely fictional, much of the series' first two seasons of True Blood filmed in actual locations in Louisiana. A Victorian-era home, Austen Place (formerly known as the Oglivie-Wiener Mansion), is prominently featured in the opening credits of the HBO series.


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.