The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2025)

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The Macon Telegraphi

Macon, Georgia

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Telegraph Nows Sun Mar 27 1983 11C 1 638 Northeast Homos for Salo 630 ako Homos Lots Homos for Salo 630 512 643 Suburban Homos 642 West Macon NORTHEAST NORTH WEST 639 Shurlington 644 Bloomfiold and 632 Wool gate BL00MI5I SOUTH MACON 2424 Rivorsidc Dr MLS 42 3JO4 643 Suburban Homes 649 Gray Jones Co 636 North Macon North Macon 636 636 North Macon REDUCED OPEN HOUSE Macon Mall MLS 477 7970 Hudson Marshall BE SMART PRICES RATE LOCATION 640 South Macon 2424 Riverside Dr MLS 747 3304 Hudson Marshall MONEY OPEN HOUSE 513 Hudson Marshall RICHLAND ESTATES 642 West Macon ONLY! 1:00 4:00 2 3 Bedroom Townhomes Hudson Marshall Mercer University Blvd JIMBOTHE HOST to MUST SEE TO BELIEVE NORTH SPRINGS 652 Rural Homes COME GET IT! 5241 NORTHSIDE DR 2:00 5:00 630 Homes for Sale ROM THE LOW 40 THELMA PLACE Hostess DON'T MISS SEEING THIS Close In 634 OPEN Macon Mall MLS 477 7970 HOUSE 654 Mobilo Homes Real Estate Auctions 506 Real Estate Auctions 506 635 East Macon 636 North Macon 630 Homos for Sale 630 Homes for Salo 630 Homes for Sale 630 Homes for Sale li CCVINCTON TITON GA TUES APRIL 5 3:00 PM CONDOMINIUM 2424 Riverside Or MLS 742 3304 Macon Mall MLS 477 7970 TIRED HOUSE HUNTING? arms and Acreage 508 arms and Acreage 508 ARM OR SALE MANY OTHER ITEMS 1 75 ON OPEN HOUSE 2:00 5:00 Wildwood Your Door To The Good Life 1 634 Royolwyn Drive OPEN HOUSE 2:00 5:00 Exclusive Agents Specious brick Coloniol GAL 274 With Decorator Touches SIMPSON GRAY 4658 OXORD CIRCLE 2449 Vineville Avenue 745 3991 AUCTION HUDSON AND MARSHALlTTnC REALTORS AND AUCTIONEERS than rent Low utilities No credit Check Call JC Smith 477 7524 recognize a good buy 3 bedroom 2 bath stone fireplace separate din ing room thermo pone windows 1700 sa ft In Stone Edge 16750000 and I've got a few other saving ideas Call Lorry Kemper 474 8466 MARINERS COVE: Energy effi cient 2 bedroom bath great room with fireplace deck $40's 24 acre wooded lot South Macon Cali 788 3269 lo see (Ideal for mobile home or building site) BEAVER OAKS EAST MACON OVER 100 lake lots ovalable Owner financing TWIN BlRDGES: Extra nice abed room 2 bath modular home 2 lake lots furnished dock $30's MINI ARM: 48 acres with new 3 bedroom 2 bath home sunken great room with fireplace energy efficient ALLENWOOD: 3 bedroom 2 both home big den with fireplace fenced yard Call Cecil Darlty Harry Singletary Nell Bedgood Sandra Price WILL BUILD 3 4 bedrooms 2 baths rom 129995 Best house buy in area 100 Completed rye Const Co 746 4624 BRICK HOME 1 acre in Butts County 3 bedrooms 2 baths full basement 145000 Donna Drake Realty 1 404 775 6700 OPEN HOUSE Sunday March 27 2 ti 5 926 Wimbledon Rd (off Tucker Rd) Must see toappreciate Owner moving Priced to sell 176000 STONE WALL PLACE 1 or 2 family dwelling 742 2442 or 741 4408 VERY NEAT: 3 bedroom I both home Level fenced lot within walking distance of Morgan school Loon assumption $10000 finance able equity Monthly payment of 114896 Priced at 125500 Vacant Owner anxious Low 30's Call John Jones 477 8596 HOUSE WANTED on the North side immediately between Pierce Vineville Wesleyan Dr River side Dr Will pay equity and assume or cash Coll 477 2307 this tike new 3 bedroom home big den with fireplace screened porch workshop and too many extras to name but best of all a 9 non esca lating loan 141000 BY OWNER 3 bedroom 1 Vi baths den withdiningarea large kitchen High Dav 743 0911 Ext 254 After 6 474 8113 APPROXIMATELY 1200 sq ft total electric 2 bedroom house with carport and fenced bock vord on lot 877 Burke St 521000 781 6753 IM 500 low Jones County taxes hke new 3 bedroom 2 bath greol room central heat and air A great buy! Will pay closing costs Call Larry Kemper 474 8466 ENJOY BEAUTIUL St Simons2 bedroom townhouse Sleeps 6 1250 week 615 622 4696 BY OWNER 3 bedroom 2 bath floor to celling stone fireplace with wood stove insert 2000sqff fenced yard acre lot 169900 Coll 477 7543 OR SALE by contractor at Lake Wildwood 3 bedrooms 2 bath cedar sided home Great room with fireplace kitchen with all built lns and large dining area Located on private deadend street lot is loaded with hardwoods Priced $54500 Call 474 1222 TRANSER orces sole 3 bed room 2 both new townhouse beau tiful floor plan lease purchase option available 474 2058 VON REG DR Area Off Jones Rd Now building 2 lovely homes Have building lots In area will also build Builder 788 6577 788 7313 assume 86 on 3 bed room energy home Great room fireplace large kitchen on 2'o acres 17 pecan trees 956 4485 BY OWNER modern contempo rary 2 bedroom 2 baths large den vaulted living room large modern kitchen garoge approxi mate! v4 acres wooded Old Holton Rd $160000 745 3921 477 7438 night DOROTHY Dr Nea Brown Wil liamson 3 bedroom deep lot 123500 745 2754 TWIGGS COUNTY: General Twiggs Drive 3 lots with partially flnlstied home and 2 out buildings Zoned ter mobile homes Priced at $13200 DOWN 1NANC new listing on Stephens Place Brick 3 bedroom 2 both home with big country kitchen A 7 34 assum able loon $7400 and $8500 equity on these 2 great buys Each has 2 bedrooms seperote dining room don Non escalulating loons $222 000 and $35700 payments Priced 538500 each Call If interested if you don someone else will! Coll Latty Kemper 474 8466 RIVER NORTH NEW HOMES ON BRIARCLI RD JUST TWIN PINES CR DARITY'S SPECIALS PATTON REALTY 4774024 oil of you who call every other week wanting a nice house 3 5 acres and a pond in the country We've got it Beautiful 3 bedroom 2'2 both old brick ranch on corner lol 2500 so ft 2 fireplaces ond workshop in basement 31 acres wooded and landscaped 18 acres open pasture ond of course a pond ASSUMABLE 8'm LOAN! Lovely tri level home on corner lot 3 bedrooms baths den with wood burning fireplace ond wet bar Double garage lots of storage Evelyn Barrow 477 5469 BY OWNER River North Country Club area custom 2450sqft 4 bed room bath Living dining fam ily room wet bar fully landscaped 189900 743 1627 PRi AUCTION INSPKTION: apuil 3 PROM 2 TILL 5 PM APRIL 4 ROM 10 AM TILL PM APRIL STH ROM 10 AM TILL SALE TIME CUSTOM BUILT BRICK 1 acres 100 energy efficient pan eled den with large fireplace large kitchen formal living din ing room roofed screened potto 2 bedroom 2 bath double garage exclusive quiet area In Jefferson ville High 160's 945 3755 appoint ment only Sheridan Solomon Kernoghon 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 ZOOOsq ft Double garage fenced yard 3 bedrooms 2 baths central heatair beautiful landscaping fireplace large deck other extras Assume loan or refinance Asking $62000 922 2076 or 923 5651 OPEN HOUSE 3 to 5 1142 ROUNDTABLE LANE 8V loan Turn right on Green tree left on Glastonbury house on corner Your hostess Ramona Roquemore 781 0398 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 6 4901 Pinefield Dr in a million ideal starter By Owner: Custom built country privacy on almost 8 acres 10 miles from Macon on Monroe Co paved road 8 yr old brick ZlOOsqft 3 large bedrooms 2Va baths bonus room 10 closets pantry See thru firepice between greatroom and kltchendining area unfinished basement 25x30 with plumbing 2 porches security system slorm doorswindows Beautiful woods with creek and stream $125000 Reply to Tele News Box A 445 Macon Ga 31213 Direction: North on Riverside direct to Arkwright Rd Golf course riverfront and acreage lots available Agents on Duty Margie rost Ginoer Clements BANK ORECLOSURE 3278 Briarwood Clr (Off Jovchff Rd) 3 bedrooms 2 balhs built in kitchen den screened porch Call 477 830 for information TERMS SALE: 10 percent down at time of acceptance of bld balance due within 30 days or further details contact: LAKE SINCLAI Lot 5 Montego Bay East restricted subdivision 1 5 on deep water $15000 COL LINS REAL ESTATE 1 125 8631 Lake 968 5227 ROLL WARMER TABLES CHAIRS DISHWASHER CONVECTION OVEN HOT OOD SERVER AN A HOOD GET WHAT YOU REALLY WANT LET US DESIGN BUILD AND HELP YOU IND INANC ING Call Royce Hobbs 477 5350 BUCKINGHAM PLACE $59500 SHERIDAN REALTY MLS 746 3276 BIBB CO On private lake 10 rooms 1 oc builders home $140000 Call Bob Carey 788 7313 LARGE AMILY? 9 rooms 2 story home Excellent condition enced yard close in $35000 CLASSY NEIGHBORHOOD This 2 story home has more to offer than lust comfortable classy home The neighborhood is quiet ond everyone is friendly Block parties are still "in" here 182900 Call Patricia Plummer 788 0048 BY OWNER: Custom built brick 6 bedrooms 3 baths formal living ond dining room breakfast room den with fireplace cathedral ceil ings deck paneled playroom dou ble garage indoor drlve in workshop 43 acres fenced 10 down 474 5300 or 474 5319 nights GREAT LOCATION 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home on 1 Vi acre lot Quiet street conve nient Io Southside Industries Trees shrubs and fantastic gar den snot Lot 50's Evelyn Borrow 47 5469 SAVE 15000 Heaton Dr 3 bedroom 2 bath large den Immediate possession To be sold this month fall 477 8370 HUDSON AND MARSHALL AUCTION REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN TITON BEGINNING APRIL 1 1983 CALL THE RAMADA INN AT EXIT 18 (912)382 8500 Including everything No credit check $30200 BLOOMIELD Brick home with 3 bedrooms Nice lol good loan assumption $32500 LORIDA Bargain New beach front luxury Condo Center Wal ton Beach 2 bedroom 2 bath 1040 sqft Pre construction price 5117000 703 684 7816 SHIRLEY HILLS AREA Spacious 3 bedroom I'j baths built in kitchen family room plus lull basement Approximately 2 acre lol Must sell this month Under 550000 477 8370 REDUCED 17500 Greenbriar area 1152 Sherbrooke Dr 3 bedrooms large living room separate dining room with large den New carpet and appliances Small down HA or VA Call 477 8370 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY See this cute 3 bedroom both rancher with wood fireplace Insert Assume 575 HA loon Remo BANK QRECL OSURE Hillcrest Area 1369 Winton Ave 3 bedrooms separate dining room large living room frostily painted and carpeted Call Now A of VA Coll 477 8370 SOUTH MACON Nodown poyment VA Quiet street 3 bedrooms plus den good garden spot 127500 LAKE WILDWOOD Lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath cedar ranch home Builtin kitchen cen tral heat ond air $39500 477 8370 OREST LAKE VILLAGE: Buy any lakefront lot and receive $5500 lakeview lot absolutely free This offer applies only to cash sales We offer financing on any lot 10 down 5 discount interest free for 24 month Offered by orest Lake Associates exclusive agents handling property Midsouth Realty COMMERCIAL RIAL ESTATE (ORMERLY SIZZL SIRLOIN) OPEN HOUSES TODAY BANK ORECLOSURE 994 Ponce de Leon Circle 3 bed room brick separate dining room large living room den or infor mation call 4 77 0370 SPECIAL BUYS 477 4024 THIS MODERN RESTAURANT IS LOCATED APPROX 1 MILE WEST THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DIS TRICT TITON AND 'A BLOCK EAST 1 75 EXIT 8TH STREET THE RESTAURANT BUILD ING CONTAINS 4400 SQ THE LOT IS BANK ORLCLQSURt Greenbriar area 1086 Washington St Only $22500 3 bedroom home freshly painted new carpet Smail down or Information call 47 830 One home for some lucky family lots of wall paper and new carpet in this immaculate 3 bedroom home on corner lot 542500 Call Youvetle Hudson 986 6004 CONN REALTY INC Rt I Gray Hwy 746 1421 OREST LAKE VILLAGE: Dream home 4 bedroom 2'2 baths living room with fireplace dining big den screened porch 2 lakefront lots underground sprinkler sys tem seawall and dock Come see the CHERRY Blossoms in WGslGyan Woods DIRECT IONS: Wesleyan Drive to Guerry Drive to Oxford Circle CYNDI DUBOSE HOSTESS 1CKLING WALKER irst In Service Too! 3994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 3 BEDROOMS new carpel new paneling excellent conditun 525000 745 2754 chance! Was S13100i0 Now $124900 Corporate out of town seller must sell! Wesleyan Woods Drive 4 bedrooms 2Vj boths for mol rooms 2 stories Has every thing! Beautiful buy! Call to see then moke offer Larry Kemper 474 8466 BEST BUY ON O'HARA 3 bedroom large kitchen brick storm windows attic Ion gas grill fenced backyard Equity 8 assume Homes for Saitf 63057 INVESTMENT PROPERTY Brick duplex garage apartment 5 room house seperote meters good financing $640 per month income Priced to sell High 40's Call for details Smith 47 7524 MIDSOUTH REALTY 441 North of Power Plant Eatonton 404 485 0285 orsyth Monroe Co 651 COUNTRY SETTING IN NICE NE IGHBORHOOD Makes this 3 bedroom charmer "lust right for you 3 bedrooms fireplace built in wall unit office enced back Good assumption $68500 HAMLIN JORDAN Ml 7399 Elsenhower Pkwy 935 24S1 SUPER WORKSHOP ully wired 18 20 workshop in fenced backyard Charming Ing leside home with 3 bedrooms sunroom $42900 Joe Adorns 474 1827 Sealed bids will be taken at the office of Simpaon Gray 1 1 2 1 2th Street PO Drawer 1747 Tifton Georgia from 8:30 am March 21 1983 Until 9:00 pm April 22 1983 Seller reserves the right to reject any and all blds All bids will bo opened at the offices of Simpson A Gray at 5:30 pm April 22 1983 PINE WORTH BY THE LAKE A beautiful 8 room lake view home 4 bedrooms 3 baths only 61? years old New paint new carpet and assumable loon By appointment only 746 3566 After hours call Romney Tucker 745 7503 ROSA TAYLOR SCHOOL Walking distance to school 4 bed room home 2'? baths burglar alarm system double garage Above the noisy street By appoint ment only 746 3566 After hours call Romney Tucker 745 7503 TUCKER TUCKER REALTY MLS 765 WALNUT 746 3566 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SELLS AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION New 3 bedroom 2 Both Ranch Great room with cathedral ceil ings separate dining room Go Zebulon Rood to gate at Wildwood Security guard will direct ot prop erty Your Hostess Marge Rogers ICKLING WALKER irst in Service Too! 3994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 LOCATED APPROXIMATELY ONE MILE NORTH TITON ON BRIGHTON ROAD AORDABLE LUXURY CONDO Styled with grace and charm 2 bed rooms 2 baths walk in closets den dining and living room ond carport Give yourself a complete new lifestyle as you enjoy the pool tennis courts and clubhouse A great buy for $94950 Today call Teresa Ross 477 4062 ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Ave MLS 742 1404 HIDE A AY 2 bedroom cottage near Northeast HI offers privacy ond economy $33500 let's discuss Today call Teresa Ross 477 4062 ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Avo MLS 742 1404 Attorney at Law 1121 12th St PO Drawer 1747 Tifton GA 31794 (912) 382 9400 LAKE SINCLAIR 12 Owner inancing Brick home located in the most desirable airport area Built on two lots with 200ff water front 4 bed rooms 3 boths greatroom den Approximately 4000 sq ft Call 912 452 68Uor 912 452 2943 home AMIDST WOODED CHARM! Cheerful 4 bedroom cedar con tempo porvides cul de sac privacy ine condition Zoned heat Ingcoollng coulted celling pri vate master suite formal dining room fireplace charm many built ins pantry PLUS oyer Call Walt Costello 743 6536 ICKLING WALKER irst in Service Too! 0994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 VACATION COTTAGE RENTALS TOLLREE DIAL OPERATOR ASK OR WX 1982 LAKESIDE REALTY US 441 North ct Little River Park Milledgeville 912 452 4223 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ICKLING WALKER irst In Service Too! 3994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 BUDGET WISE? Look at this 3 bedroom cottage sep arate dining room "eot in" kitchen recently remodeled Less than 110000 to assume a non escalating 12'2 loan Large storage shed in bock Neat clean ond attractive Listed for 134500 Today coll Teresa Ross 477 4062 ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Ave MLS 742 1404 BY OWNER: MUST SELL 2 bedroom 1 bath can be seen Sot Sun 9 5 Hillcrest Area 3336 Atkins Dr A LOVELY SETTING or this new split level home Kit chen breakfast area overlooking wooded backyard Separate dining room Living room with fireplace Playroom on lower level Call Walt Costello 743 6536 ICKLING WALKER irst in Sales4 Service Too! 3994 Norlhside Dr MLS 474 0810 6 Homes Under Construction $88600 to $100000 I YOU WANT IT ALL 23'x27' den with fireplace 3 bed rooms 2 baths workshop ond on 875 loan assumption this is it! Swimming boating fishin and club house goes with it High 60s Call Anne Jones 742 0056 TERMS: real estate 25 BALANCE IN 30 DAYS OR POSSIBLE ING CALL SALE MANAGER WEYMAN TISON Real Estate Wanted S2O SYLVAN SETTING Nifty touches Including firepioce ombionce Brick 4 bedroom Colo nial ine master suite formal din ing room bookcased library many built ins ideal kitchen 3 ceramic tile baths pantry shade tree bonus Call Walt Costello 743 6536 ICKLING WALKER irst in Service Too! 3994 Norlhside Dr MLS 474 0810 LAKE SINCLAIR NEW fabulous 2 bedroom lakefront cottage beautiful view up Little River 141000 3 NEW LISTINGS In Bloomfield and Westgate area 3 4 bedrooms central gas heatoir All $49900 each Each a super buy Call Bill Ragan 477 2625 faxes schools utilities with $5000 down $400 $500 a month Dozens of new listings (MLS) are iust not known about until AT they are sold Call today Joe Hubbard 477 6294 BOB LEWIS REALTOR MEMBER MLS 100 Sou Trust Bldg 745 1156 ATTENTION veterans VA financing available No money down with approved ci edit Act now and have your new home ready for Spring HARRY LUCAS HOMES Hwy 247 Warner Robins Ga Phone 912 923 4231 CEDAR COUNTRY home with four bedrooms den with fireuioce screened porch ond breakfast room Good Cents home with low utilities Only a few steps Io Lake Tobesofkee $117000 Call Anne Jones 742 0056 LAKE SINCLAIR LITTLE RIVER: nice 2 bedroom den with fireplace boat ramp dock 'HILLTOP PERCH! Rewording 4 bedroom brick two story providing secluded setting Energy features Easy commute zoned heallngcoollng keen mas ter suite woik ln ciosels 2 5 batns 4 BE LOW MARKET RATE $83500 Immediate possession Coll Walt Costello 743 6536 ICKLING WALKER irst in Sales4 Service Too1 3994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 WANT TO BUY 20 two 80 acres on I GHWAY near Macon or Warner Robins Contact: Ben Compen PO Drawer 1209 Gainesville lo 32602 1 904 375 6600 METICULOUS Airy bright and immaculately maintained super retirement or starter ranch Plus rental property 2 bedrooms fireplace hardwood floors Good loan High 50's Call Wolt Costello 743 6536 ICKLING WALKER irst in Soles4 Service Too! 3994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 BANK ORECLOSURE 2991 WOODHAVEN RD 3 bed room 2 bath brick home full base ment or information call 477 8370 Beautiful Country Setting Only minutes from North Macon cltv limits Stately architecturally designed home on 52 acres owner will reduce acreage lo suit purchaser) our bediooms study and den with bookcases Wet bar dceo well with heavy duty pump Lei's discuss details Today call I eresa Ross 477 4062 ICKLING WALKER 239o Ingleside Ave MLS 742 1404 SALE SITE: the fobmi sizzl sirloin ONE MILE WEST THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DIS TRICT TITON (K BLOCK EAST WEST EIGHTH STREET) WALK IN COOLER REACH IN RERIGERATOR DEEP AT RYER BROILERS ICE MAKER SALAD A DESERT CASE 7)7 North Ave 74J 15II MLS 717 North Ave 743 1511 MLS BANK ORECLOSURE 3270 Briarwood Cir (Off Jovcliff Rd 1 3 bedrooms 2 boths built in lichen den screened porch Call 177 0370 lor information MLS 7)7 North Ave 743 15)1 RIVERSIDE PARK Very neat and clean One of the smaller floor plans in area Ideal tor smaller family 3 bedrooms 2 baths den fenced yofrd Available within a week Assume non esco lating loan Upper A good value Call John Jones 477 8596 WHY RENT AND RAVE? Nothing down to qualified vets Small downnovment to others on fliis very neat and clean 3 bedroom home with living room and den lovely kitchen carpeted through out Priced In the $20 will sell quick! Coll Bill Harrison 742 80:18 BOB LEWIS REALTOR MEMBER MLS 100 Sou Trust Bldg 745 1156 ROM $11 5500 Special Permanent inancing Available 2 5 STEEPLECHASE Distinctive cedar townhouses 2 or 3 bedrooms fireplace modern kit chen energy efficient landscaped yards Tinslev School Good financ ing $40's ollow signs from Vine vllle and Riverdole Hostess Jone Rozett MLS 717 North Ave 743 15)1 Your Hostesses On Duty Ann McNorrill 788 2624743 2671 Marilyn Allmond 474 8852743 2671 McNAIR 2424 Riverside Dr MLS 742 3304 Open Today and Every Day 2 5 PM On orsyth Road lust Past Wesleyan College ollow Open House Signs INVESTOR'S SPECIAL This 3 784sqft Is designed for 3 apartments special All cosh os is $24100 EQUAL OPPORTUNi TY HOUSING Mountain or Resort Property OPEN HOUSE 2:00 5:00 1 433 Greentree Parkway Lake Wildwood OPEN HOUSES 2:00 54)0 LAKE WILDWOOD 047 CONEDERATE Price reduced! Go Greentree Pkwy to Confederate follow signs Host Bo Turner 879 CONEDERATE Go Greentree Pkwy to Confed erate follow signs Hostess Nan Marnev 437 CLEARVI EW CT Price reduced 16500 Go Greentree Pkwy to Edgewater ollow signs Hostess Gail Walkup Houston Poach Counties RICHARD ROYCE REALTORS MLS 4000 Vineville Ave 477 5350 Limited Offer 30 Year ixed Rate 10 irst Three Years 12 Balance of Term RICHARD ROYCE REALTORS MLS 4000 Vineville Ave 477 5350 RICHARD ROYCE REALTORS MLS 4000 Vineville Ave 477 5350 OPEN HOUSE TODAY 883 GREEN OAK TER 2:00 to 5:00 Three bedrooms den 2 story In Lone School district Central heat ond air 157900 DIRECTIONS: rom orest Hill near Methodist Church turn on Green Oak Ter follow signs Host ess Sarah Heath ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Dr MLS 742 1404 COUNTRY 4 bedrooms 2'i baths IVi acres 15 minutes to RAB Screened porch pool Assume non escalating loan Equity $29600 payments $06 953 4463 OPEN HOUSE 1 259 Jackson Springs Rd One of a kind designed by architect BUI Webb 4 bedrooms 3 both on 1 18 acres of heavily wooded land Prestige area Unique floor plan Anyone with flare for decorating could make it a showcase home $79500 Host Howell Watkins THORNTON REALTY 745 1677 Is INORMATION: CALL SALE 'MANAGER WEYMAN TISON OR THE AUCTIONEERS TOLL REE 1 800 342 2666 (OUTSIDE OA 1 800 841 9400) JOE MORAN 745 8415 MURPHEY TAYLOR 8 ELLIS 575 irst St MLS 743 2671 REDUCED 12000 GRANTWOOD: Off Pio Nona Quiet neighborhood Real cute starter home for young couple Stove refrigerator drapes to remain Loan assumption 15000 OPEN HOUSE TODAY SARA DR GRAY GA 2:00 to 5:00 Swiss chalet 3 bedroom 3 baths decorator designed with large room Non escolating loan 1900 sq ft double carport $78500 DI RE CT IONS: Gray Hwv to Jock son St follow signs Host Hol Mondev ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Dr MLS 742 1404 SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghan 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghon 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghon 2449 Vineville MLS 745 J991 JOE MORAN 745 8415 MURPHEY TAYLOR ELLIS 575 irst St MLS 743 2671 MURPHEY TAYLOR ELLIS 575 irst St MLS 743 2671 HILLTOP CHARM! Extensive views! Enticing spa cious 4 bedroom two story Care fully sited on 222 acres with lovely woodland one owner efficient energy use Security system gas heat fine master suite waik ln closets Coll now! Walt Costello 743 6536 ICKLING WALKER irst in Service Too! 3994 Northside Dr MLS 474 0810 McNAIR Macon Mall MLS 477 7970 GREAT ASSUMABLE LOAN Only ll'2 with payments less than 1400 per month or this you get 3 bedrooms 2 baths greatroom with wood burning fireplace fenced backyard Lake swimming pool tennis courts and stables are some of the amenities Evelyn Bar row 477 5469 SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghan 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 TRADITIONAL HOME almost completed 3 bedrooms IV? baths den on one level Golf course lol 180's Sandra Cochran 477 2295 SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghan 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 OPEN HOUSE 2:00 4:00 1933 DIRK DRIVE Take New Clinton to Ollie Drive and follow signs to the neat os pin brick ranch Low equity Assume 10'? non escalating rate Hostess Judv Edwards 477 1 1 54 3 bedrooms IV? baths Den rec room Large lot almost an acre Springdale School district Price reduced! Host: Paul Pannell 477 1848 McNAIR 2424 Riverside Dr MLS 742 3304 EXPANSION ROOM Half basement offers potential for the handyman Equity of less than $7100 3 bedrooms 1 baths $44500 Joe Adams 474 SSK Sher idan Solomon Kernoghan 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 OPEN HOUSE 2 5 Overlook Village amily orientated with fireplace art room and study In the balcony Out Vineville Ave to Riverdale and follow signs Hostess: Carolyn Hamilton 745 4848 OPEN HOUSE TODAY 2:00 to 5:00 576 HIGH POINT NORTH 3 bedrooms 2 bath condo ire placed living room sun room Mid $70's DIRECTIONS: rom Riverside Dr or orest Hill Rd turn on Wim blsh come to High Point North Dee Hillery on premises ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Ave MLS 742 1404 JOE MORAN 745 8415 MU PH TAYLOR ELLi 575 irst St MLS 743 7671 OPEN HOUSE 3 5 2833 PORTLAND PLACE Ready to move In condition reshly pointed Inside ond out 3 bedroom brick 152500 Directions: Shurling Drive to Walnut Creek Rood right on Portland follow signs Hostess Bea Hillev SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghan 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 OPEN HOUSE TODAY 2:00 to 5:00 HIGH POINT NORTH CONDO 3 bedrooms end unit close to club house and swimming pool Large living room with fireplace opens to secluded patio 191500 Immediate occupancy DIRECTIONS: Turn off Wimbish Rd and follow signs Host Ross Wooley ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Ave MLS 742 1404 114 ACRES MORE OR LESS 1983 CROP YEAR ASCS ALLOTMENTS TOBACCO 2 ACRES 3316 lbs 1982 CROP YEAR ASCS ALLOTMENTS PEANUTS 19909 lbs 80 ACRES IN CULTIVATION 32 ACRES TIMBER 2 ACRES POND (Columbus RdJ to Thomaston Koad Beaver Oaks RICHARD ROYCE REALTORS MLS 4000 Vineville Ave 477 5350 EATURING Amenities High 70 low 80 Private Access to Lake Tobesofkee Several Water ront and Interior Lots Available HISTORIC CONDOMINIUM Only one left 15290 down pay ments of 1489 financed by Macon Heritage oundation Completely renovated 140 year old Greek Revival building 152900 Joe Adams 474 1827 SSK Sheridan Solomon Kernoghan 2449 Vineville MLS 745 3991 NOW IS THE tTmE Interest rates are low 3 bedroom 1 bath remodeled 377B Spencer Cir cle 127500 Call Wendell Lee 746 5576 Continental Realty Co 821 Walnut SI MLS 745 1144 Sheridan Solomon Kernaghan Realtors 92 HA LOAN Is assumable on this "like new" 3 bedroom rustic "A in rural south Cathedral celling In great room! Owner leaving refrigerator washer and drver New on mat ket $53500 Today coil Teresa Ross 477 4062 ICKLING WALKER 2396 Ingleside Ave MLS 742 )404 EASTS! DET CO TTAGE Cnorming 3 bedroom home outside city but convenient to eastside industries Wood burning stove rec roam over garage and large level garden spot $42500 Cail 745 1907 or 741 4479 ALEXANDER ROST 2484 Ingleside Ave 745 8686 MLS McNAIR 2424 Riverside Dr MLS 742 3304 BRICK 3 BEDROOM 1 both fire place fenced yard pay $9000 equity and assume loon 477 7206 788 7946 477 '547 746 0670 477 1400 DARITY REALTY 2180 Montpelier Ave 745 1107 MMewwae a A 1 4 at I CuAk N0UTH 1 a 7 INK HIM fl a 4 A C0N rru' TxzrSL i A Tr sfeSj i i jj IT TdV LOjC 7 eV I 1 imxn( McNAIR McNAIR McNAIR McNAIR QU A REW1 I I MBS I i 1 McNAIR McNAIR i Hi i 1 i i IMI 1 1 wBHII Homes for Saitf 630 AUCTION.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 5732

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.